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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Unity Quotes

Unity in Diversity
1.       We must form a united front against the exploitation of man by man; we must cure ourselves of our complexities by a supranational awareness, a national consciousness. Our ridiculous divisions are profitable only to the great powers, which exploit our weaknesses. Leon Mba
2.      There is no time to waste for we must unite now or perish since no single African state is large or powerful enough to stand on its own. Kwame Nkurumah
3.      Stand together in this new world and let the old world perish in its greed or be born again in new hope and promise. W.E.B. Dubois
4.      If Africa unites, it will be because each part, each nation, each tribe gives up a part of his heritage for the good of the whole. That is what union means; that s what pan-Africa means. W.E.B. Dubois
5.      There is nothing which unites a people as strongly as a common enemy. What we need is a common enemy. The point, however, is that we have such an enemy, not in another planet but here on Earth, namely the poverty of the so called developing nations. Tom Mboya
6.      Only when the black people fully develop the sense of community, of themselves, can they begin to deal effectively with the problems of racism in this country. This is what we mean by a new consciousness; this is the first vital step. Stokely Carmicheal
7.      One nation is one ideal, one destiny is one secular faith in a better tomorrow for all Africans.
8.      Arthur Nnwanko
9.      The glory which awaits Africa cannot come about until Africa is united. If we fail to unite then a great nation will go to sleep forever. Kwame Nkurumah
10.  The high tide of political and economic transformation in the African continent, the high tide of the unification of our people, the high tide of cooperation among our people, has already swept the whole continent – these are the basic assurances of victory of our cause. Kwame Nkurumah
11.  With independence a new phase in the struggle for nationhood begins. For those who seek fulfillment, the challenge of development offers the most exciting and rewarding experience. The search for unity must continue. The urgent needs of the people cannot wait, for there is no probationary period for a newly independent state. Tom Mboya
12.  We have to create our own wealth, and we can only do this if we work together using at the beginning simply the resources we already have – that is, our labour, our land and our willingness to work together. Julius Nyerere
13.   We must destroy all ideologies that tend to divide us. All of us must register a new era of justice, equality, equal opportunity for everyone from every part of the world, regardless of creed, race and colour. William S Tubman
14.   The forces that unite us are greater than those that divide us, our goal must be Africa's dignity, progress and prosperity. If we can achieve this example of a continent knot together in common policy and purpose, we shall have made the finest possible contributions to world peace. Kwame Nkurumah
15.   Freedom, unity and cooperation should be the noble objectives of all peoples. But these will never be assured in we fail to create  the right conditions  which all Africans, despite varying customs, traditions and culture, can whole heartedly support. William S Tubman
16.  We are now owners of our countries and societies. Let us work together to face new problems in such a way as to transform our heritage into an imperishable legacy. Nnamdi Azikiwe
17.  We cannot allow ourselves to be disorganized and divided. To us, Africa is just one Africa, one and indivisible. We need to unify our efforts, our resources, our skills and intentions. The unity and strength of the unions of America states or Soviet Republics, should be our example. Kwame Nkurumah
18.  It is becoming more and more clear to us that to win our freedom is only the first hurdle in a long march. There are still many difficulties ahead. The struggle will be longer, the work greater and more difficult. By uniting the entire people in a common effort, with indomitable will and in a planned way we shall succeed. Prof. Joseph Bibb
19.   Our cultural identity and common historical destiny should be our main concern as we have all been treated unjustly by exploiting powers.  We should be able to identify ourselves, not by the colour of our skin, which is a static reality, but solely in terms of our goals which are just and noble. Sekou Toure
20.  I will say to all Africans that if we must have justice, we must come together; if we must come together, we can only do so through the system of organization. Let us not waste time in breathless appeals to the strong while we are weak, but lend our time, energy and effort to the accumulation of strength among ourselves by which we will attract the attention of others. Kwame Nkurumah
21.   It is only through unity that our people can bargain, it is only through unity that they can discuss matters between themselves and settle their differences. In this way they can negotiate on an equal basis with other nations. Only in this way can they hope to develop. Kwame Nkurumah
22.  Let us work together to bring together the energy and intelligence of the entire people for peace, prosperity and plenty. It is the task of us all to organize society so that we can conquer underdevelopment which is not own making. Samora Moises Machel
23.  The 1950s presided over the struggle for political emancipation. But the 1960s, whatever trials they have brought, have not been wasted. They have successfully opened the way for another necessary struggle, a struggle for the fruits of political emancipation, for that new and unified society without which the people of Africa cannot even keep the freedom which they have let alone enlarge it. Basil Davidson

Selected Quotes from Africa's Greats 

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