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  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Monday, April 2, 2012


How to Prosper in Employment has already been reprinted seven times in seven years. The feedback received suggests that it speaks to the heart of employee dreams  for better quality lives and of hope for a chance to make some wealth of their own. Our prayer is that the book will release millions of dollars worth of wealth back into the lives of employees across Africa and around the world!

Dear Allan, I have read very many books but if there is one book I would recommend to my friends and colleagues its this a house, a spouse and a cow. A simple story powerfully told in an African context and reality. A masterpiece that significantly changed my employment life. -ON

Dear Allan,
I am an avid follower of your blogs and find them inspiring. I particularly liked the one of “a tribute to my teachers” as it helped me appreciate the many lessons that I live up to, today. I have had the opportunity to read your latest work “How to prosper in Employment” and could easily admit that you wrote this book for me.
For a long time I have believed that a change of jobs is the solution to my career issues however your book has made me realize that unless I change my present attitude and perception a new job will soon become boring and the cycle begins.
The phrase we do not plan to fail but often fail to plan comes out more strongly. In the six years I have worked I can look back and say I have achieved some but could have done better. This is now my chance to make it better and succeed with a smile. You have opened my eyes to a new perspective of life and I am willing to take the step having re-ordered my goals. I have also come up with a list of “what I have been doing VS what I need to be doing towards the journey of success”.
The money management lesson has also inspired me greatly realizing that I must start by managing the little I have in order to get more and when more comes, I will be able to exercise more wisdom to invest bigger. I now value budgeting more than ever. It’s amazing what you can do with the little 10 and 20/= coins, they add up to so much!!
I have recommended the book to my close friends because I believe in going up the ladder with those that I value.
Finally, this book should be a fundamental read for every young person planning on starting a business or getting into employment as this are life skills to success.

Thank you Allan for sharing the timeless wisdom.
April 2012


Dear Allan,

People really have different views and ideas on jobs, work and employment. Your book [How to Prosper in Employment] is quite the read. What I find very important is (the) information…[How to Prosper in Employment]does not only highlight different views on work and employment but tackles the things many people leave out when telling you their employment history, life goals and achievements. Its gives (an) insight into the mind of an employer, employee, retiree and potential job seekers. The most important lesson I have gained from the book is that (a) job is not necessarily a career. Many people do not know the difference and at times get frustrated with their jobs. As you have wisely put it; it's simply a platform for greater things. Potential employees especially students have an illusion that once you get a job all our problems will go away and start living the life one has been dreaming about…
The book is a good read for all persons, be it new job seekers, people already working, in midlife crisis, the old retiring population and employers. Many motivational speakers only speak of success but fail to mention the speed bumps along the way that at times are unseen, unavoidable or even impassable. And as much as we would want to tell of only good stories of success, one should also be aware of the obstacles in ones path. …
A paragraph from the book; 'My work; earns me money, makes use of my skills. Secures my job. Gives me a task to do and uses my time fruitfully. Allows me to play a role in a team. Lets me know what I can do best. Prepares me to face the future with confidence-with or without a job'…To that; there's no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul: Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Your presentation is spot on. Covered all the important points and couldn't have come at a better time …I'm sure the facts and reality might come as a shock to some…Warm regards, Ben.

Hi Allan,
I did read the book and have already passed it to my uncle who is my age and is also just starting out. Its simple and easy to read. Explains a lot of what we think we know in a way that sticks in the mind. The concept of a House, a wife and a cow was particularly brilliant. So was the In-come one. -Audrey,

Hello Allan,
What a wonderful piece of material that you have produced. I have a confession to make. Well, I collected the book on Monday but felt this temptation of looking inside, which I succumbed to. This little lack of discipline cost me the reminder of the day. I kept reading throughout my journey home and even then couldn't put it down until almost midnight. I must tell you not many books capture me that way which tells you this was no common book. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with me and the world, your selflessness is a great gift to the world. KEEP SHARING!  - Francis

Hi Allan,
It is true to say that you are really gifted. It is a book that I have read and it has really changed most of my thoughts. I read the book chapter to chapter but believe me once you read that book you can't remain the same once again. I also realized that people miss opportunities not because of not having all what it takes, but not opening their thinking capability.  I also noted that people are tied to jobs in a way that they can't think outside that job. Once one door is shut they don't open their minds to accept the change but instead they remain static to things that probably have no change. To add on this I also noted that it is also good to invest when one is young. I have also seen that there are other books that you have written. How can I get the whole bunch together with the cds? Allan I salute you for the good job and may the almighty God reward you richly. Thanks a bunch. - Benson

Hello Allan,
I've sold all the 10 books.  Please send me 20 more books.  It's become an empowering tool for young and old people in my sphere of influence.  My daughter has bought three to give to her friends in UK.  You have become more famous.  May the Lord be praised. –Lydiah

Dear Allan,
Many thanks for the presentation and the book!  I read the book in a single sitting, in about an hour.  Quite an appropriate title, someone should have shared the cow, house and wife wisdom with me earlier in life but I believe, with God, it is never too late.  I gave the book to a colleague to read - which reminds me that I need it back to re-read.  There are many invaluable treasures to reap from it.  I can confidently share that I am now working for myself, not my employer!  This leads me to my next stop below. - Felistus
Dear Mr Allan Bukusi,

Hope this mail finds you well. Well I hope you can remember me. I came for an "Administration " interview a week ago and  you gave us your book "My First Job"(How To Prosper In Employment) which really helped me a lot that I had to write a review paper concerning what I have learnt in addition to my thoughts. I have attached for you to go through it and to get a comment about it. It is really a wonderful enlightening book, and I have forwarded it to my friends to read it. Thank you.
- Ambrose

Hi Purity
I found the book quite educative and relevant to me even in my current job and  was   able to share some of the concepts with my children. I have also enriched my training notes by incorporating some of the  great ideas from the book. Thanks. Regards - Ben

Here are some of the early comments when How To Prosper In Employment was first published as My First Job.

v  Hello friend! MFJ is a Classic. I would like 20 copies for distribution, how much a copy and can I get them tomorrow?
v  I think you have no competitor in that line of thought. Africa is blessed mightily.
v  If I had read this book 20 years ago, I would be a very different person today.
v  Hi, the book is a bomb!
v  It made me feel foolish
v  It is a serious book!
v  It touched my heart
v  It is a beautiful book.
v  Perfect!
v  Anyone can read this book.
v  I'm on my second job. This is the greatest advice I have ever gotten.
v  Everyone should know this –early (in their careers).
v  That book is thorough… I have read it three times and have lined up three people to read it…I now know what a cow is!
v  I express my earnest gratitude for such an enriching lifetime gift for not even the knowledge I have gained for the last five years can match the wisdom shared.
v  "I picked up this book and read it three times before I could put it down, then my friend took it and I can't get it back. Can I have another copy?"

IF YOU HAVE READ THIS BOOK PLEASE email Allan YOUR COMMENTS or just make a comment below... 


  1. Dear Allan,
    I have read very many books but if there is one book i would recommend to my friends and colleagues its this a hse, a spouse and a cow. A simple story powerfully told in an African context and reality. A masterpiece that significantly changed my employment life.

  2. Thank you for your kind words. I pray we can reach many more people with this message of hope for employees.

  3. Am reading your book for the 4th time. Am writing to you as i work in my third job.

    Your book takes me back to the basics of life.

  4. A very awesome blog post. We are really grateful for your blog post. You will find a lot of approaches after visiting your post. employment lawyer

  5. This is one awesome blog.Really thank you! Cool. timehourcalculators

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Dear Allan,

    Where can I find your book on Reward Management. It is not at Textbook centre


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