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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Innovation & Enterprise @ Academia


Innovation & Enterprise @Academia

December always sparks a holiday season. Many minds have already moved out of town and headed to holiday destinations. Those who have to complete their school programs can’t wait for the term to end. But December is also tinged with a hint of hope for a new beginning. The business sector seems to have picked up some end year cheer with the hope of a COVID vaccine becoming available in the Western world. Under a depressed economic cloud, there is a new drive to bring on board technology and innovation to usher in the New Normal. Innovation, Tech conferences, agribusiness initiatives plus a loud discussion of how Kenya can close its Industry-Academia gap. This decades old debate does not seem to get much traction every time it is brought up. Unfortunately, HELB data shows 38,314 (more) education loan defaulters and blamed it on the limping economy. Perhaps it is time that HELB should become more innovative in generating money FROM education and generating money FOR education by appreciating that education is an enterprise that can only grow if it is profitable. Relate these comments to the Industry-Academia gap and you will appreciate that the education industry operates in isolation from economic reality. With treasury backing a plan to triple university fees the gap between Academia and Industry just got wider. It will only come together when Academia starts to feed industry with what it is asking for and when academia becomes an agent of enterprise.

Allan Bukusi

Sources – Business Daily


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