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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Take your Business through a Hyper-Jump in 2021


Take your business through a hyper-jump in 2021

I am writing my final business article for 2020 and I am thinking what might be different for business in 2021. Why should it be different and how has it been different in 2020? We are now familiar with how COVID-19 disrupted business through social-distancing, travel bans and broken supply chains.  We had to quickly and immediately find out how to do things differently. What we may not be fully aware of is the significance of those “hyper-jumps” we were forced to make to adjust to the new conditions such as moving from offline to online and working from home instead of an office building. It has almost become second nature to call for home deliveries instead of going to the store. Less than a year ago, these hyper-jumps may have seemed surreal.

So what has all this got to do with 2021. Well, while these “little” shifts in behavior may have been considered as emergent and temporary, they are now beginning to assume a sense of permanence. In other words, we are getting used to doing things differently.  Some of those hyper-jumps have been so beneficial that many businesses are looking for ways to establish them in their normal operations. Indeed, industries are looking for ways to make further inspired hyper-jumps like moving from petrol to solar power and from labor to automation permanently! The gentle nudge by COVID-19 has set off a believable train of thought that things can actually be done differently. Is it possible that 2021 will trigger even bigger levels of innovation and creativity? Could professionals, companies and industries be looking for ways to regenerate themselves through beneficial hyper-jumps. Production may never be the same with the opportunities opening up for rebranding of careers, generation of new ideas and the need for new product designs. So why not take your business through a hyper-jump in 2021! God Speed!

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