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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Three things are necessary for good employment

Three things are necessary for good employment; academic, process and interpersonal skills. While academic knowledge was used to map job skills in days gone by, today’s jobs require process skills. Unfortunately, process skills change rapidly, dramatically and exponentially and in ways academics cannot predict.  Work also requires interaction, engagement and collaboration with other people. The quality of this communication has a direct bearing on output and productivity. While interpersonal skills are not directly taught in school and are assumed to be a product of ‘upbrining” and culture, this assumption often leads to unwarranted communication disasters in the workplace. Employers find it necessary to develop employee work ethics and communication skills just to retain a productive community. In employment academic skills are not enough, process skills need to be updated, however, interpersonal skills are essential for success.

Allan Bukusi

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Villagers and the village

The reason villagers never leave the village is they think the village is the world.

Allan Bukusi

Leadership, Authority & Power

The president of Haiti and the president of USA have the same authority, but not the same power. Power, the capacity for violence, the command of force and the control of resources is not enjoyed to the same extent by all leaders.  A leader may have more power than the people, but the leader of many and the leader of a few are both leaders. Authority is delegated, power is acquired while leadership is assigned. The judicious use of leadership, power and authority amount to effective rule.

Allan Bukusi  

Life is a wonder

It is ironic that the impact of our lives on earth is so little and so late it is a wonder that it is worth it.

Allan Bukusi

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Seven Laws of Creation

The Seven Laws of Creation
  1.     The law of origin
  2.     The law of nature
  3.     The law of characteristics
  4.     The law of purpose
  5.     The law of design
  6.     The law of process
  7.     The law of destruction

These laws find application in multiple spheres of human existence. From social organization to entrepreneurial activity and from education to personal development. The first four laws are of the type manufacturers of phones would call SIM LOCKED. In other words they are pre-conditional for any type of creation to proceed. While very few inventors may lay claim to having original thought in creating new paradigms of existence for the good of humanity, most inventors are innovators who make use of existing concepts. While the creators of handwriting, the wheel and the fundamental process of construction can be said to be true creators, the use of documentation, vehicles and types of housing are only innovations.  

The law of origin states that the origin of a thing is beyond the thing. In other words everything has a creator. It is the reason why we are more impressed with the creator than the thing. The maker has pre-eminence over the creature.

The second law states that every creation has a context in which it is dependent for existence, survival and success. The “set” of a play enables the “act” and therefore facilitates the actors to unfold the play. The context enables the recognition and placement of the creation.

The third law of creation states that the characteristics or the character of the item defines its function and operation. The character of the creation must be functional within the environment in which it exists for it to be of use.

The fourth law is the law of purpose. The creation must add value. The unique functionality enables it to be identified as such while its purpose justifies its creation. Without a specific and unique purpose, its placement, deployment and usefulness among other creations is of questionable value.

The fifth law of creation is design. This is where most creators classified as inventors or innovators start. This law states that a creation is captured and can be registered by its unique design. This design can be the process of manufacture or the unique nature and signature of the item. Creators therefore focus of creating something new or creating a new perspective of already existing creations. While the true patent is of the creator of origin (law 1), subsidiary patents can be quantified so long as all the primary laws (1-4) are not tampered with.

The sixth law is the law of consistency. This law states that the application of a creation must be consistent and yield consistent results – consistently. In other words a creation that functions once and does not generate the same results when repeated is not a creation. The creation must meet the scientific standard of repeat out comes to qualify as a creation. A pig gives birth to a pig. Nevertheless Edison’s lamp would not qualify as a creation if it only worked the first ten times.

The seventh law of creation states that what is created can be destroyed. What is created can become obsolete. This can also be interpreted as the law of updation. This law prevents inventors from becoming complacent and satisfied with their creation to the extent that it fails to accomplish the purpose for which it was created. In other words inventors can only claim their creation if they maintain it.

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Friday, April 8, 2016

TRUMP Elections

The US elections always attract global attention. This time round the subject of this urgent attention is the participation of very loud personalities in the presidential race. Indeed nations and stock markets alongside political analysts around the world have voiced their views and concerns on the outcome of the presidential race. Reflecting on the US presidential elections makes me think about the upcoming elections in my own country next year.  The question I ask is, “are elections about personalities or about the institutions that install them?” The citizens of democracies answer that question on Election Day.

Allan Bukusi

The fear of God?

“The fear of God” can be an intimidating statement. It suggests that there is God and that there is need to be afraid of Him. While those who do not believe in God have nothing to fear, there is nothing to fear in knowing what it means to fear God. The FEAR of God has four parts,
The fear of God demand faith in his existence and of course being subject to His authority. This is not always easy to work out and work through. As being s with free will we all have a challenge with submitting to authority. However, in order to benefit from an authority a person must submit themselves to it. While it is possible to receive grace and generosity from an authority, you can only benefit from it if you are subject to it. A tourist experiences grace, citizens enjoy the benefits of nationhood.
While the fear of God creates an expectation of God in terms of reward or retribution, it is important for a person who fears God to learn about what he or she is “afraid” of. In other words it does not make sense to fear what you do not know. So the fear of God entails knowing who God is, learning about God and cultivating a knowledgeable expectation of God as God. To achieve an education of God one needs study and since it is considered by many people as a personal choice. It would be sensible to establish some sort of personal relationship with this God in order to make peace with Him to avoid having to live in fear. In other words, if you must fear God, if makes sense to educate yourself on why you fear Him.
One of the things fear triggers in a person is aspirations. Aspiration to fight or to take flight. While these two options entail consequences they do also engender that capacity to give an account. Why would you fear unless your aspirations are not achieved or you cannot give account. Of course, if you do not believe in God you have nothing to fear. However, if you do fear God then you are motivated if not inspired by the outcome of an encounter or meeting with God. If you have nothing to report or cannot give account then you have reason to fear. It might stand you in good stead if you have something to report.
There would be nothing to fear if you have no responsibility to God. However the fear of God equips you to take responsibility seriously. While it may not be correct to assume that everyone is responsible by nature, it is practical to expect everyone to be responsible by design. The fear of God enables you to work towards being responsible because your personal values, ethics and respect for God enables you to take pride and responsibility for who you are in all that you do.

Allan Bukusi