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  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Get your first 100 days to work for you!

Anecdotal evidence suggests that your first 100 days at anything you undertake will be a significant indicator of your success in that area. While this theory does not favor the slow starters, there is some merit in the idea that if you want to make a difference or a change in anything, you should begin immediately or at least as soon as possible.

At the beginning of this year I wished you greatness and success, but I did also suggest that it will take significant effort on your part to make a difference in your circumstances. Well the first 30 days of the year have gone by. What have you done that will anchor the changes you want to make in your life this year? Have you put in place mechanisms to change your life? If you pledged to save money, have you put aside the first $100? If you resolved to study, have you enrolled in school? If you decided on a project, have you finalized the plan? These “rudder” decisions and actions that you take in the first 100 days are the initiatives that will change the course of your journey through the rest of the year.

Nonetheless, it is not too late to put those anchors in place. You still have under sixty days to show signs of any significant movement towards your desired circumstances within the year. My advice to you is take a moment to reflect, ask God for wisdom then take that action now, today, and set yourself on your course to success.

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