People may tolerate a leader. However, as soon as possible, they will choose their leaders. Just as they work, if they have to, and later chose whom to work for.
Allan Bukusi
Professor Faith Wariara Nguru Character, courage, capacity, counsel and commitment came in a deceptive, diminutively statured package that...
People may tolerate a leader. However, as soon as possible, they will choose their leaders. Just as they work, if they have to, and later chose whom to work for.
Allan Bukusi
The more people know the harder they are to rule. The more people grow the more they rule themselves.
Allan Bukusi
To solve a problem, you need to know the end from the beginning, quite apart from the context.
Allan Bukusi
Ben Carson tells us to think big. And we should. However, maybe some of us need to start thinking a little bigger, little by little at first, before we get the courage to think the big picture.
Allan Bukusi
A leader must be positive, possible and practical in order to see progress.
Allan Bukusi
If all you do is complain and see the problems in what has been done, know for sure that you cannot lead. And that you must be told what to do. Replace problems with progress and complaints with compliments and you will see the difference.
Allan Bukusi
A slum grows on you. You have to be alive to it and keep shaking it off.
Allan Bukusi
The poor think the rich are evil. The rich think the poor are lazy.
Allan Bukusi
Everybody loves a leader until the job is done. Ask Caesar, Napoleon and Churchill.
Allan Bukusi
The folly of community is to think that it is ours.
Allan Bukusi
There is greater joy in achieving than getting what you want.
Allan Bukusi
While others can make and break resolutions, leaders must have goals.
Allan Bukusi
Every cell in your body replaces itself every seven years. Every seven years you have to introduce yourself and get used to somebody new.
Allan Bukusi
Everyone is happy with the leader when everything is going right. However, every decision a leader makes or has made is brought into question when things go wrong. A leader's job is the most insecure job in the world.
Allan Bukusi
The gospels record that a prophet is honored everywhere except at home among his own people and the people he loves the most. His own people make it a habit of never supporting his initiative and take pride in identifying weakness while the world makes use of his strengths. It is as if evil makes camp in his house to bring him down. This brings the prophet great misery. But I see this truth of leaders as well. Those who have excelled are not respected by those whose love would have meant the most to them. It is a great paradox to have the love of the world, but not the love of home. Only a few people are willing to make this sacrifice.
Allan Bukusi
I will honor you so long as you have the power.
I will support you as long as you do what I want.
I will thank you, if you give me what I need, and
I will bless you if you give me what I want.
Apart from these, you can do what you want.
Allan Bukusi
There are usually three books on my desk. The one I am reading. One I refer to, and the one I am writing. The one I read gives me fresh insight. The one I refer too aligns my values. The one I am writing is simply an outpouring of my soul.
Allan Bukusi
It is not that I am perfect, but I do expect others to be. It is a mystery that we expect others to be, unless it was meant to be.
It is not that I am, or am not, but the desire to be, that convicts me. How can it be that I want to be that which is not in me.
I expect and search for in others what deep down I know I am supposed to be. Perhaps it is the god in me.
Allan Bukusi
General elections are a very civil war. I do not want to think about the other option.
Allan Bukusi
Followers present problems. Managers present solutions. Leaders present options.
Allan Bukusi
Leadership is as far from management as the east is from the west. On earth, that makes them very close.
Allan Bukusi
There is a story of a famous divorce lawyer who had a zero success rate. He always made sure his cases were watertight before he went to court. He fancied himself to be the judge and his clients the jury. After hearing all the evidence, and before he made his ruling, he would ask the jury to decide whether this case would stand in court. More often than not, the jury would not come back.
Allan Bukusi
It is not the person it is the personality. There person you can do nothing about. The personality you can work out. It is you I am talking about. It is not that a person is driving the car that is a problem; however, there are people you would rather not.
Allan Bukusi
Man is given to work, to eat and to know God. Without one, a man will surely die.
Allan Bukusi
You never do it to others or for others. You always do it to or for yourself. So be careful what you do.
Allan Bukusi
Time means some thing to some people. But no thing others. The key is to work with all. Because on a balance the numbers are roughly, equal.
Allan Bukusi
I wish there was a place initiative could be bought. I would buy a whole lot and give it to my friends and enemies. That would make me more friends and less enemies. But I have to resign myself to the fact that it must be sought.
Allan Bukusi
I have never seen dishes that clean themselves. Or books that read themselves. I really don't think that is the way it is supposed to be. The responsibility, I find, rests on me.
Allan Bukusi
Anger. Anger is good apart from the fact that it is destructive. Some would argue that destruction is not good. However, few people will disagree that harmful things like illicit or evil things like drugs should not be destroyed. Anger as an emotion is a potent force. It can mobilize energy you never thought you had and cause much damage to oneself and another. William Davies talks about overcoming anger. It would be important to invest in this knowledge for yourself to avoid personal injury, but also to avoid making a fool of yourself. Some people take pride in their anger. Some people say they can't control it. It takes maturity to manage it. You can do it. Control it. It may be your greatest victory yet.
Allan Bukusi
There is such a measure as an honest day's work. It involves effort, initiative and output. Where one of these is lacking, the day is suspect.
Allan Bukusi
You cannot live beyond the measure of your dreams. You may be able to live beyond your means for a time. However, you will never live beyond the limit of your dreams. There is really no harm in dreaming. Do it often, do it much. Who knows it may just all come true.
Allan Bukusi
Over time, I have found that training is more of building peoples aspirations than giving them new skills. A person with no dreams will do nothing with new skills.
Allan Bukusi
Your team must be equal to your task, or else your work will never be done. Develop the team or get another team.
Allan Bukusi
Report progress not problems. Progress makes people glad. Problems make people mad.
Allan Bukusi
Buying and selling is moving things around with diminishing returns.
Allan Bukusi
Life does not give you solutions. Life gives you options. Life does not give you problems. Life gives you opportunities.
Allan Bukusi
The back of a leader is a very attractive target. Especially when they are solving problems.
Allan Bukusi
There is not holy way to grumble, gripe or complain. They are all the same and don't solve anything.
Allan Bukusi
Nobody loves the underdog. All they want is a good fight. And are just as surprised when the underdog wins.
Allan Bukusi
Don't be fooled. Even dictators have their supporters. It does not need to be you.
Allan Bukusi
The worst a leader can do is act without thinking. The next worst thing you can do is, think without acting.
Allan Bukusi
When you meet with your leader, understand that there are many socio-psycho-politico-econo-environmental issues that they are dealing with. And that yours is just one of them. This sounds harsh, but the smile behind, "we'll see what we can do", should tell you that what I am saying is true. Leaders carry a great deal of weight even if they don't look like it. Good leaders are very good at hiding it from you. Frustrated leaders tend to shout at you. So here is how you can you help your leader?
First, appreciate the work they do. Everybody likes some appreciation. It is human, natural and will win you their full attention.
Second, listen to them. This may surprise you, but think about it for a moment – who listens to them. That is the only way you will get to know what the real issues are.
Third, understand that leadership is not a single solution math problem. Leadership challenges are compound and complex. Leaders try hard to look for the best solution.
Fourth, don't come with a problem. Every leader has enough of those. The problem may even include you. Come with a participative solution and request permission, opportunity or resources to help solve the problem.
Fifth, please do your homework and don't waste time. Leaders have no more time than you. Yet are expected to do ten times more than you.
Sixth, let them know when they are doing okay and help them to do okay.
Here is a bonus. Do yourself a favor. Don't storm the office fuming, frothing and stewing at the mouth demanding answers as if yours is the only problem in the world. It makes you look bad. Actually, it belittles your dignity and makes your objectives look suspect. And it does not matter that you are the customer.
Allan Bukusi
To survive all you need is a plan. To succeed you must have a strategy.
Allan Bukusi
The employed workforce remains the most bonded resource for national development around the world. Its potential can only be likened to the explosion of wealth that took place after the abolition of slavery.
Allan Bukusi
Construction teaches you the value of time. After three courses you must rest. The plaster must be given time to seal. While the slab requires 21 days to set. In building we learn the time sets, time heals and that time gives strength.
Allan Bukusi
It is not about what you lost, what you don't have and what you can't get. But it is about what you have, what you are, and that you are here.
Allan Bukusi
Freedom is a good thing. Conscience is a good thing. Freedom of conscience, if you think about it, is not such a good thing.
Allan Bukusi
There is no such thing as free enterprise. As if enterprise can be forced. Enterprise is always free.
Allan Bukusi
The maid makes my bed, my boss pays my salary and the council collects my rubbish. So what do you do?
Allan Bukusi
Men and women are different because they are different. But that has never stopped them working together in every age, time and culture.
Allan Bukusi
"They pretended to pay us and we pretended to work". – Communist Russia
Allan Bukusi
Lead with your head. Understand with the heart. And don't be afraid to work with your hands.
Allan Bukusi
Many people don't know where they are going. Many more don't know how to get there.
Allan Bukusi
Do not side with the rich because of his riches, or side with the poor because he is poor. Both are able to be evil. Do just, right and good.
Allan Bukusi
The moment you become all knowing is the moment you stop growing.
Allan Bukusi
A business always starts with a great customer focus. With time, it begins to focus on staff; in the vain belief that staff keep the business in business. Finally, the focus turns to shareholder. At which point the business faces imminent failure as customers lose interest in the business.
Allan Bukusi
No nation can survive if it thinks only of its own people. No more than a selfish man can thrive on his own.
Allan Bukusi
Initiative is a key to success. However, it is the key to your future. Without it, all you have going for you is fate.
Allan Bukusi
Put it back. You will need it when you pass by that way again. That may be sooner than you think.
Allan Bukusi
Life makes a division between winners and losers, those who try and those who won't. Life is the track. You are the runner. But the race is not between the strong and the weak or the tall and the short. The race is every man on his own. What did you do with your life?
Allan Bukusi
The destroy nature of man is such that when he sees something, he actually wants to break it and take it apart. The create nature of man is under hostile vice of the destroy nature. Few people overcome the destroy nature naturally. Most people wrestle with it all through life. That is why creative people are so few.
Allan Bukusi
A businessman must learn politics. The same way an ace cricket player must know the rules of rugby in order to engage in the sport.
Allan Bukusi
Les Brown says, "You can't get out of life alive". So do not be over cautious, be bold and realize your full potential.
Allan Bukusi
Politics is discussed by those who do not understand it and used by those who plan it.
Allan Bukusi
The supermarket is in danger of replacing the people's ability to think.
Allan Bukusi
To desire and aspire are agents of growth. No animal desires to be more, apart from food. Only man aspires to be more than he is and to be all that he could be.
Allan Bukusi
The fear of death makes one a slave. A person with no fear of death cannot be a slave. The man is free indeed.
Allan Bukusi
Education quickens the spirit. The lack of it deadens it.
Allan Bukusi
The learned reason. The illiterate get angry.
Allan Bukusi
Slave and master is not a profit arrangement.
Allan Bukusi
The oppressed and the oppressor are both suffering. One from arrogance, the other from violence. It takes great wisdom to tell who is suffering from what, and who is suffering more.
Everything new and modern looks the same. The traditional ones look o so different.
Allan Bukusi
Another word for technology is advantage. It is the cutting edge of your strength. And the wisdom of what you know.
Allan Bukusi
Do not let criticism kill your dream. It has a strange way of appearing at the birth of an idea, when you take some initiative and in the middle of a solution.
Allan Bukusi
Leaders are hit men, and women. They are hit for every imaginable and unthinkable reason.
Allan Bukusi
Does history make sense? If yes, then we can tell the end from the beginning. If no, then we are subject to the fate of mere existence.
Allan Bukusi
There is a great sameness with the two. Both are kingdoms. Both claim a sovereign. Each has a government. Both have forces and resources of state. What if the two met?
Allan Bukusi
Money requires wisdom. There is a proverb that says, money requires wisdom. I had not thought about it much until I considered how repulsive is the idea of, "money in the hands of a fool". When I consider the detailed account of money in THE SNOWBALL and that the wisest man who ever lived was also the richest, I am inclined to believe the proverb is true. Don't worry about money. Get wisdom, money will follow.
Allan Bukusi
Your failure to succeed is not due to the strength of the opposition, as much as it is a result of your own disorganization. Weak teams can beat strong ones.
Allan Bukusi
The book and the TV have no law. They are the law. People believe what they read, but even more what they see.
Allan Bukusi
The public is in for the intrigue, the clandestine and the fairy tale. The truth or the purpose of the matter is of little concern. All the people want is, to know. They are riled by the fact that they did not know.
Allan Bukusi
Frustrated people need a vent. The best victims are innocent by standers who have no clue of what to do, if they can help or how they are to blame.
Allan Bukusi
To enjoy the aroma and desire the flavor is human. To see the reel and want the real is like a man. Yet to separate the two is divine.
Allan Bukusi
Buying things and spending money is not enterprise. It is shopping.
Allan Bukusi
Your personal development depends on your effort, not your achievement.
Allan Bukusi
Warren Buffet talks about Intelligence, Energy and Integrity. These are essential in enterprise and in employees. I struggle with which is most important. Energy is vital for industry, but I find that this generation typically suffers from lack of energy.
Allan Bukusi
We are all gatekeepers. Gatekeepers keep the gate open, or keep the gate shut. Some rent the gate while others take the gate wherever they go. What kind of gatekeeper are you?
Allan Bukusi
Take advice from someone you would like to be and not from someone you like. Take advice from someone who is better than you, not someone like you. Take advice from someone who has achieved more than you have and get ideas from those who have achieved less than you. Listen to those around you and avoid any advice that harms you.
Allan Bukusi
True freedom, is not absence of oppression or presence of choice. True freedom is not without a role or a task. True freedom is not to bask, but to seek out and to serve.
Allan Bukusi
Not everyone is a manager, leader or supervisor. Many are forced to do it for economic or career reasons, but not from the heart. We must find more creative ways to reward these people for their gifts and talent.
Allan Bukusi
Sometimes I would rather be someone else, somewhere else, doing something else. It is easier to sit down behind the crowd and watch the action way out front. It is easier to help someone than to be someone. Sometimes I don't want to be there. Sometimes I would rather stay at home. That is when I know that I should lead.
Allan Bukusi
A lazy person takes twice as long to do half as much as anyone else.
Allan Bukusi
Administration is activity. Management is activities. Leadership is to oversee those activities.
Allan Bukusi
If you want to lead, ask God for an extra heart. You will need it.
Allan Bukusi
Know your enemy. There is no point in fighting someone you do not know. Anyway, you need to know enough about him, her or it to fight to any effect.
Allan Bukusi
If you leave the way you came, you have no one to blame. Maybe you should not have come. But since you came anyway, you are the one to decide if you will leave the same.
Allan Bukusi
We try to achieve serenity when we go on holiday. It is a state in which we want to be at peace with everyone and everything around us. James Allen talks about serenity as the highest form of existence, perfection if you will. But serenity should be every day, not just when you are on holiday. To be calm and cool in every situation is a mark of power and self-control. Knowing that this too will pass.
Allan Bukusi
The world is evolving, exploring, expanding. To put an end to it one would be God. To keep up with it is natural. To try and be ahead of it is just human. To remain the same would be too casual. The world we live in is not the same
Allan Bukusi
The two words seem not to go together. In fact, they are inseparable. Think of all the things you have ever achieved. They are because you gave up something else. To lose weight, you cut your eating habits. To pass your exams you gave up parties. To succeed in your career, you spent time doing what will take you to the top rather than enjoying other things in life. Think of what you want to achieve and list down what you have to sacrifice. In other words, the product and the price you must pay for it. then go for it.
Allan Bukusi
Quarreling and feuds know not class, status or society.
Allan Bukusi
Impression is everything. It tells a story like, well-fed leaders and underfed followers.
Allan Bukusi
Allan Bukusi
All of us live in our own world. We are shocked when we step into the real world. We think it is another world. We get a sense of relief when we get back to our own world.
Excuses. They tell you when someone has reached their limit, lost for ideas or really has no clue of what to do.
Allan Bukusi
Supervisors are selected for know-how. Managers are recruited for knowledge and skill. Board members are headhunted for thinking outlook and understanding.
Allan Bukusi
Let no one tell you where your opportunity will come from. All you must be is ready.
Allan Bukusi
Outsourcing has its good points. However, it also has its sore points. You can lose control and when you do, the price is very high.
Allan Bukusi
Most entrepreneurs handle administration pretty well. However, many entrepreneurs are not able to install management. This may be why many successful enterprises do not last longer than the life of the entrepreneur.
Allan Bukusi
The state must create a talking, rallying or activity point to hold the nation together.
Allan Bukusi
Leadership is not common sense. Otherwise, anyone would do it. It takes more than the usual to do the unusual. Leadership is more than the usual and not just the will. It takes wit and wisdom to be.
Allan Bukusi
Napoleon Hill tells of a mastermind. Wallace D Wattles alludes to the same. You should get hold of these books. They will help you create a mind that is bigger than what you have on your shoulders. Sometimes there are things that need a different point of view to come up with a solution. Sometimes you don't need a solution all you need is another point of view. By creating a mastermind of the pooled resources of wise men and women, people who have more or other experience than you can open door to great opportunity. If you are not moving ahead, put together the best brains around you to crack the nut. You will be surprised what a board of minds can do…
Allan Bukusi
Creating wealth is more important than creating jobs. I am not sure how jobs came to be more important than wealth, but creating jobs before wealth is like putting the" cart before the horse". Creating jobs alone is like exporting national wealth.
Allan Bukusi
Look carefully and you will find that you have a triple heritage that could earn you a living. Some people call it a gift or talent, but it is much more than this. It is active, in spite of yourself. Your triple heritage will be identified by three different people. Your friends may tell you about it. Your workmates will use it. You may not like it, but deep down you know it is true. And you don't have to struggle to get it done. A triple heritage gives you an advantage in life you can't lose but only you can use.
Allan Bukusi
People think that leadership can be assumed in one great leap. And that those who make the leap successfully are somehow unique, gifted or super talented. There is a more sober approach to developing leaders. It is based on a careful personal development plan with five stages. The first being the most important.
1. Personal organization
Being able to arrange your activity, organize your time and use your abilities productively is the first step.
2. Supervision
Being able to help others do the same thing you have mastered in (1) above.
3. Administration
This is the skill to be able to keep record, track and monitor the progression of any organized or routine activity. My first boss called this "filing". I think he was very near perfect in his definition of administration.
4. Management
Here is where signs of the "great leap" become apparent. Those who have made progress through the previous two stages can organize an activity from planning to personnel through to product. Management involves all the three stages before it, but also involves thinking, creativity and taking some risks. At this point things get uncomfortable for those not used to solving problems in stages 1, 2 & 3.
5. Leadership
The ability to set public goals, follow through and achieve results, with or without resources. In the gap between intent and outcome is the greatness of a leader.
Allan Bukusi