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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What has COVID-19 done to us?

Celebrating the spirit of humanity

As I have watched one world leader after another make authoritative statements in the eye of an evil storm, I have been amazed by the meekness of the human spirit to obey orders in the face of crisis. Indeed, I have learned seven things that COVID-19 has done to us, or should I say, done for us.

I have learned that authority is not a burden, but a word of protection; that submission is not a measure of weakness, but a path to safety and security.

I have been amazed by the smallness of the globe we live in. I realize that Wuhan is a village right next to mine, in which no one can hide, unless we all unite. We literally share the same sun, wind and rain.

I have been amazed by the generosity and sacrifice of those who have given up their freedom so that others might live. To know that all this good has always been within, brings tears of grief and relief, but also belief that there is yet hope for humanity.

I have watched with a sense of "deja vu" as the disruption of stock markets around the world have ground all busyness to a halt. For once, there is no sense in the pursuit of money at the realization that something bigger is here. Each one of us must give up something and let the land rest.

I have wondered as people spend their days at home whether they think of their luck, fate or doom? Are these family or forced reunions to make up for lost connections, or are they opportunities to ask questions about the existence of God? We all strain to hear that still small voice that tells us, “you are not alone”.

And when I think of what has to be the biggest hand washing event of all time, next to that of Pontius Pilate, I wonder whether it will cleanse our hearts and minds and make us ready for the rebuilding that must surely begin.

Leadership is about taking authority, submission, unity, sacrifice and getting our priorities right. It is about relationships and the fear of God. It is about searching our souls for the treasures that lie deep within to serve them as gifts in the places we live. The season can bring out the worst in us because of what we fear, but I chose to believe and celebrate the best we have within.

Free to share and encourage someone else

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  1. Alan thanks for communicating the truth as a leader. No time in history is fake news and media sending wrong signals to millions

  2. Powerful mindset and paradigm shift.

    Thoughts worth pondering and using to map our lives forward from Here.

    Indeed Covid 19 has changes our Humanity OS - Operating System.

    Thanks a million for sharing thoughts from the Leader....

    1. Yes Murimi.Think not much about what has changed, but how you must change.

  3. That's true James. We must understand the times and respond accordingly and not cause confusion


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