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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Happy Sunday!

Hello Mum,
I thought of you today and decided to wish you a Happy Sunday! It was so nice to see that you had put on some weight since your recent illness. The happiness and joy of our last meeting still keeps us going. This COVID thing has changed a lot of things around here and I know that you told me to pray; that God would take it away. I do, but it still aches when people look at each other sort of funny.  I am working hard, studying and trying to keep the family alive. But I sure miss the old days when we did not have so much to worry about.

I wonder how you and Grandpa are keeping. It must be tough. This social distance thing. But then remember, it is only for a season. Yes mum, I will be strong and even if it is hard to say john 3:16, I just wanted to let you know that I do believe.

Everyone is edgy these days, in town and at home. The government is doing all it can. People just need to cooperate. It is hard for the teenagers to stay inside all day and to explain to the kids that they can’t go out and play, and why we have to eat the same thing every day. It is amazing how we take so many things for granted. Alice is taking it in her stride, she is at a critical point in her career, she is working hard to keep her spirits up and emotions in control. She is a strong woman. As a doctor it is hard for me to see so many people hurting in so many ways, but that is our calling you know – to keep people well. I guess that is why I try to work as hard as I can to ease some of the pain,…. I have just got a call and I have to run, stay well mum! Your loving son.   

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