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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Friday, April 24, 2020



There are many people walking through COVID-19, hoping and praying that it will end soon. They hope we will all go back to what we are familiar with. For a good number of individuals, it will be enough to say, “I survived”. Somehow, I do not think this is the correct answer to the season. It would be more intelligent to come out rebranded, reloaded and resurgent. At the very least; refreshed in body and revived in spirit. To come out with a clear sense of renewal and purpose would mean you reflect on the value of the season. It would also mean that you stop pining away thinking of, “the things you miss” or “how the world is going to change”. The giant pause imposed on the world offers you a lifetime opportunity to relaunch your destiny. So, what can you do to extract all the juices the lockdown offers?

The starting point has to be a season of reflection on life. How have you lived life so far? What have you done with what you have? Was it worth it? Are you happy with it, could you have done it better? Did you do what you could or should? Did you suffer from procrastination? Given another chance, what would you do differently? I suggest that that action list you create from this reflection should form that basis of reworking the new you. It will help you align your activities with your life goals.  You can then develop and implement a personal rebranding program to redefine you and create a new you during this season.

Think about your capacity to move forward from the past. Think about your capacity to thrive in future. What new capacity do you need to thrive in the postcovid-19 era? If your skill sets and capacity remain the same, you are probably going to remain in the past as the future comes upon you. Establish your capacity and competence, identify your capabilities. What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths? As Stephen Covey would say, “where do you need to sharpen the saw” – start sharpening it now! What training and re-skilling do you need to invest in? Develop and equip yourself with the capacity to do more and do anew in the days ahead. Don’t wait to get off-loaded, it’s time to get reloaded for the long haul!

My graduating college class picked “surge” as the message we had for the world. We were to surge forth and serve the world with the new skills we had developed from the many hours of torturous study. Little did we know that COVID-19 awaited us. But that is exactly my point! We were commissioned to surge forward despite and in spite of the circumstances. Every individual and business that is relevant, meaningful and purposeful is thinking about resurgence! Though it may take time, make time to study. Read the business reports to obtain a balanced picture of the social and economic reality. Consider a sector by sector analysis. scan the environment for low capital re-entry opportunities. Pray for wisdom to address an unknown future. Prepare for it by mapping scenarios that you could work with. What is the worst-case scenario in the short-term and the long-term? What is the best-case scenario in the short-term and the long-term? Examine these four scenarios and develop plans A, B, C & D to work your way through and out of this downtime. As the season unfolds engage and operationalize plans that will enable you to emerge and eventually thrive in service in the days ahead.

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