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  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Help me say Goodbye to Joe

Have you ever met a person you could not pick a fight with? A person who will give you everything you ask of them? A person who will gladly give you their last shilling, pray for you and walk away with nothing. A man with such big faith that he could go register for a university course without money and believe that he will walk away with a degree. A man whose hand could fit two of yours and leave a bit of space in between. Have you ever met a man who never stopped smiling, giving, sharing and just being himself – straight as an arrow, reliable as the sun. A man who did not know how to tell a lie. Joe was such a man. He did not know how to give the impression he was under pressure. Joe protected everybody from anybody. I would have introduced you to the man save for the fact that his life was tragically cut down in his prime by another.  You are probably wondering who  Joe Orlale is. Joe is not the guy sitting at the piano – that's me 1985. Joe, as you can imagine is the Giant in the back. That is where Joe thrived. In the back, looking out for everyone else - keeping the peace. Taking care of family, friends, children, rich, poor, old, young and people who never knew each other before they met Joe. That was Joe – annoyingly humble, peaceful and relaxed. Sounds impossible, but it is true. Big Hand, Big Heart and Big Faith. That was Joe. Joe is in Heaven now. Singing in the back of the Angels choir. I just know he is making space for everyone. That should make me happy, but I mourn from the depths of my soul because we still need such great men among us. Good bye Joe - till we meet again.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The five laws of successful employment

Five laws of employment
·      Many employees start work with no clue as to what they want from their jobs. Most people just work from paycheck to paycheck. If the paycheck is late, the rent will be paid late and so will all the bills and we may also be late to work. Employment provides an opportunity to plan and work progressively to achieve wealth, health and happiness. To achieve this you must understand the laws of money.
·         To keep a job we need to create wealth for the employer first and then for ourselves. This is not a popular statement. However, we must produce value if we are to be paid and perform exceptionally well if we expect to be rewarded. Work is the process of creating wealth.
·         Put in place important pillars to aid your prosperity. Owning a home, a good spouse and investments that multiply your income. Many employees do not establish these anchors until very late. Living in a rented house in a slum or living in a rented house in an upmarket estate adds no value to your net worth. Neither is it proof of your prosperity.
·         Nobody would think of running a successful business without a financial plan. Yet many careers and families are run on an “as where is” basis. A financial plan helps you manage income and prioritize projects that lead to wealth goals. The plan does not have to be complex. One look at your monthly budget will tell me your financial fate.
·         Finally, a job is one of the greatest personal development opportunities get in life. It gives you a chance to be creative, to learn and grow your capabilities as a person and get paid in the process. The biggest payback from employment is that it gives you a chance to learn how an enterprise works.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

When to take advice

Before you take advice look at where the person giving the advice is standing. The issue is not whether it is good advice or bad, but rather if the advice is authentic. Authentic advice comes from a position of experience, exposure, education and expertise. Mischievous advice has a character flaw that usually comes with an obscure motive or concealed intent. The third consideration for when to take advice is if you are willing to take responsibility for it. Once taken you can never say "I was told by so and so", for you to own advice take time to weigh the cost to others with respect to the measure of advancement the advice will afford you. If these three are aligned its worth considering.