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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Why every employee in Africa should read this book and what I learned from it

We asked  readers to let us know what they think of the book and here is what they said....

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This read could in the long run impact the continents economy by reducing the after retirements dependency levels. Employees will have an investment mindset as opposed to current trends of retiring with no on job in investments.

The Africa working population will begin to appreciate the ignorance there is in the comfort of employment. The words in this book are truly deep, ruthless and convicting. It will be a wake-up call to a lead of wealth creation, personal development and appreciation of our gifts, abilities interests and talents. 

Many books have been written on the subject of prosperity. A fair amount of those books focus on entrepreneurship as a tool for wealth creation and self actualization. The book “How to prosper in employment” by Allan Bukusi captures a modern African mindset on what employment, and offers a contrary view.

As we grow up, many of us are made to understand that jobs exist for us to create wealth for the already wealthy. That it’s a routine that leads to a paycheck that can barely sustain us. Allan Bukusi challenges  the perspective that  a job is a life sucking routine meant to frustrate us  and shows that with the right attitude we can excel and create wealth within employment.    

Africa still wallows in the mentality that only high paying jobs offer opportunity. We give more credit to those who are number one or to a CEO than we do others. So we fight for the few positions at the top. Our focus on competition blinds us from the opportunities for self improvement at our workplaces. The book shifts emphasis from the positions held within organizations to what else can do for ourselves within those positions. There is a lot of disregard for the way in which we can use the same skills we offer employees to take a step up in our own personal lives. This book offers an insightful look at our attitude towards employment and how we can milk the opportunities we have. 

Traditionally, Africans have the mentality that the role of employment is to get money to meet daily needs. People have the tendency to work like robots without trying to be better themselves in any way. The book ‘How to prosper in employment’ will be essential to employees in Africa in that it will be eye opening. Employees, especially young people beginning employment will not make the same mistakes their predecessors did in employment (gained nothing more than a salary). Employees will discover the power they have on their hands and the salary, skills, knowledge and connections from employment will be used better.

I felt the book resonated well with my current state in life. I learnt that while in employment, I should learn to pursue excellence and let success follow automatically. Employment is an underrated gift and can be a key to success in life. While in employment, I should give it my all, learn as much as possible and become the best I can be. I also learnt that it is good to plan for retirement early and should have a plan for it. In addition, I learnt that it is good to start investment early in my career and create wealth.



‘How to Prosper In Employment’ is an eye opener full of insights for each and every employee which goes more beyond the workplace life. The book clearly highlights where we go astray at a tender age. From the book, one is able to get a different view of work i.e. not as a routine but as a source of income. Income does not just include the money we earn but also the experience, knowledge and skills we acquire from the job. A job is a gateway to opportunities inaccessible if we did not have work to do. This means employment drives enterprise, prosperity and wealth creation. Each employee should get the maximum ‘income’, the focus being the life after employment. It equips on the goal setting not as fashion but function. It changes the mindset from the norm to having an investor futuristic mind.

Personally I am challenged by the book as my mentality was far off the reality. As I kick start my career I’ve learnt the importance of having a vision and living the vision now. Going beyond my duties will not only propel my growth in employment but also add my value. There’s a lot gained from the book and I am willing to implement.

The book ‘How to prosper in Employment’ by Allan Bukusi, is a motivational book to individual who are beginning their career or they are already in their respective careers. It offers tips on how to enjoy a fulfilling career, realize personal development and creating wealth during employment.
A job is supposed to be a learning experience and not merely based on getting money. One should be well conversant with their duties as they work but not driven by money. It should also enable an employee to gain new skills and techniques while performing the job. At the end of every single day a person spend in the job, he/she should be an expert in ding their job.
We work while thinking about our future and prosperity on the job. We should consider that in order to prosper, it is not how much you earn that makes you rich but what you do with what you earn that makes you rich. After one has retired, that doesn’t mean that it is the end of the career but rather a chance for personal development.
The most important lesson that I have learnt is that in order to succeed, one needs discipline and hard work. With these two tools, one can be able to come up with SMART goals that in the end will be achieved successfully. 


I count myself blessed to have had the chance to read this book at this particular time as it is just the perfect time to have this information. I am at the beginning of my first job and therefore my career journey and from the book, I now have a clear picture of the kind of thinking I should apply so as to make the most of my employment.
Some of the most interesting things I have grasped from the book was that a job has so much value to add to me other than money. I should make use of the opportunity I get to gain exposure and sharpen skills that will help me in my career and life generally. The riddle about a house, spouse and a cow was also thought provoking and this is all about priorities. I will also now begin planning for my retirement as soon as I get my first paycheck. I want to reap the fruits of my labor now and when am old.
Every employee in Africa should get a copy of this book so they can realize the ways in which they can maximize their potential in employment and also develop themselves through proper management of their finances. If there is an opportunity to learn from the experiences of others, both good and bad, we should all go for it. Thanks for the free copy. It is an honor that I do not take for granted.
- Caroline

This book has a very personalized touch to the African working environment.  Reading it, I came across real life experiences I have been through albeit my very short employment history.  The continuous postponement of having a savings culture and lack of a clear working career plan particularly hit close home. Having a close family member who had nothing to show for having a long prestigious working career even makes it more surreal.
The lessons in here are meant to be learnt from others as experiencing them personally will be quite costly.  Employees in Africa must learn how to manage and get the most out of their careers and be ready for retirement as it is inevitable. The approach used is very simplistic and anyone in whichever occupation can be able to understand the advice given therein.I have learnt to have a clear plan on managing my finances, prioritize and learn as much as I can in any role that I find myself in. Going the extra mile will also not go unrewarded.
I have realized the important of owning my career journey and treating each level as a learning and growth opportunity instead of waiting to get higher in my career which is the mindset I had before.  I also will be owning my choices and realizing that I determine my future.This book came at the right time and I will forever be indebted.
- Emily

Prosper in employment is a book that guides you from the point of job entry to the exit. It explains the basic thing we need to understand while in the job, actions we need to take to maximize our stay in the employment. It starts by bring out the purpose of employment. The author argues that money as valuable as we may perceive it, is not the reason for working. He says if money if as important as we purport, why then do we spend it all? He argues that there is more to employment than the income we receive. He says that what we believe about our work affects our attitude to work. In employment we should learn how to work, the keys to enterprise and how to prosper and create wealth. We need to project our future life after employment, perhaps after retirement. We should use our income to create wealth.

I have learnt that we mature through five stages or levels in life. Dependence level, independence, dependable, developers and donors.  He argues that we should be able to understand and act our levels. At dependable level, people rely on you and therefore one should be consistent in all that he or she does. In this stage we are role models.

Finally I learnt that in marriage as opposed to my earlier perception of liability, it is point of unity and boosts your ability to achieve goals and make decision. This is because two are better than one. I also learnt that paying rent is not an investment rather is an expense, owning a house will help you channel the money that you would have otherwise paid as rent to investment.
-Kelvin KK

It is very important to place the copy of ‘How to prosper in employment’ in the hands of employee because it will help them to know why they are working, what they need to do with the income, how to spend, save and invest, how to manage their jobs carefully to achieve their life goals, how to plan for their lives while at work and not to wait until they are sent home in order to plan for their retirement..
People have different views and ideas on jobs, work and employment. The book has very important advises and good examples and tackles many things people leave out when telling their employment history, life goals and achievements. It gives an insight into the mind of employer, employee, trainee and potential job seekers like (Mary and John).The book also teaches us to love our job and have positive attitude every day given by the example of the TRENCH.

I have personally learned a lot from this book apart from being motivated and educated, I have learned to have a positive attitude towards my job and that a job is not necessarily a career and that it’s a platform for greater things. I have learned also on the need to do investments and plan for the future as early as possible and to advance my career as well as live in my own house as illustrate in the story of the house, spouse and a cow. I also realized that people miss opportunities not because of not having all what it takes, but not opening their thinking capability. I also learned that people are tied to jobs in a way that they can’t think outside that job. In conclusion, every employee should have a copy of this inspiring, uplifting and motivational book.

This read could in the long run impact the continents economy by reducing the after retirements dependency levels. Employees will have an investment mindset as opposed to current trends of retiring with no on job in investments. The Africa working population will begin to appreciate the ignorance there is in the comfort of employment. The words in this book are truly deep, ruthless and convicting. It will be a wakeup call to a lead of wealth creation, personal development and appreciation of our gifts, abilities interests and talents.

MY LESSONS:  My financial behaviors have to change has got to be implemented immediately am on the job, Having a mentor to keep me in check with my plans and progress will be crucial to attainment of my plans and goals, My employment should not be a routine and I should equally build a fulfilling life outside my career. My retirement strategies should kick in immediately am on the job. Understanding my emotions and those of others will make me an all-round competent person. As a youngster, financial freedom should come with intelligence and discipline. Profession progress requires patience and hard work.

Many books have been written on the subject of prosperity. A fair amount of those books focus on entrepreneurship as a tool for wealth creation and self actualization. The book “How to prosper in employment” by Allan Bukusi captures a modern African mindset on what employment, and offers a contrary view.

A change in mindset: As we grow up, many of us are made to understand that jobs exist for us to creat wealth for the already wealthy. That it’s a routine that leads to a paycheck that can barely sustain us. Allan Bukusi challenges  the perspective that  a job is a life sucking routine meant to frustrate us  and shows that with the right attitude we can excel and create wealth within employment.   

 It is no longer about being number one: Africa still wallows in the mentality that only high paying jobs offer opportunity. We give more credit to those who are number one or to a CEO than we do others. So we fight for the few positions at the top. Our focus on competition blinds us from the opportunities for self improvement at our workplaces. The book shifts emphasis from the positions held within organizations to what else can do for ourselves within those positions. There is a lot of disregard for the way in which we can use the same skills we offer employees to take a step up in our own personal lives. This book offers an insightful look at our attitude towards employment and how we can milk the opportunities we have.

It is necessary to place a copy of the above named book in the hands of every employee in Africa because this book is a powerful guide for employees, in early and mid-career, to enjoy a fulfilling life, realize personal development and create wealth during employment so that they finish well. I learned a lot from this book. First, whatever kind of job we are doing we must realize the purpose is to help us prosper. To prosper means you are able to realize your full potential, develop yourself and create your own wealth.

Second, the income we get from a job is not wealth. If you are able to save and invest your income, you are making profit. Only then can you create wealth. When investing you should do it wisely, buy items of long-term value, say land. Do not put your money in risky ventures such as gambling and pyramids. A wise investment can take care of your family for many years. Also, do not wait for retirement to invest. By this time it will be almost too late and you may not have sufficient funds. The best time to invest is while you are still receiving your pay checks, especially early in your career.

Lastly, to succeed we need to plan. We cannot just work aimlessly and hope one day to wake up to success. We need to come up with some personal goals that will motivate us and steer us towards success. These goals will also help us identify our financial priorities since we cannot spend money on every item, only those items that lead to our goals.

How to prosper in Employment is an amazing and eye opening book for professionals who are young in their career. It gives an open minded view to employment and how one can enjoy a fulfilling career, realize self-development and reap full benefits from employment which is very important for all employees.

It teaches employees that they can still develop themselves and live a fulfilling life while still being effective in their work and still give their employers results. It emphasizes on setting individual priorities and goals and working hard to achieve these throughout our employment in order to leave a good legacy for the generations to come. It highlights how it is important for employees to cooperate with their employers in order to get the best from the mutual beneficial relationship.  

The book encourages employees to have a plan while pursuing success in their careers hence creating wealth for themselves using the same skills they use to grow and progress in their career. If employees are able to save and invest their income, they will be making profits hence creating wealth for themselves. The only way this will happen is if we embrace a positive attitude and learn to milk the opportunities   that we have however small.  I believe this book is a game changer for employees and I am glad I got the chance to read it this early in my career!

The book “How to prosper in employment” by Allan Bukusi is a must have for all employees in Africa. The author uses rich empirical observation and simplicity to convey deep wisdom to his audience to help them understand the dynamics of employment in a new light. From it I have learnt the following that all employees would find pertinent:

The purpose of work is to help us prosper. Prosperity is a function of daily growth. Growth is reflected not only in promotions, but also in efficiency in using all available opportunities. Our self-worth should not be tied to our jobs otherwise it would be lost if we lost these jobs. Employments are an opportunity to learn lessons which we reapply to build our own wealth.

Employees who learn from the mistakes of their employers should be able to prosper faster. Planning, investing and saving are disciplines that are learnt with time. People who integrate such disciplines in their lives do better in life than others given the same opportunities. Investments should be done using goals that give us satisfaction, to motivate success, early enough before commitments sets in. Money from employment should be used to fund these dreams. Despite the many challenges in employment, they are a learning opportunity that makes it possible to create wealth.

Focusing on the top jobs make people forget what really matters. Employment should prepare us for financial freedom. There is seldom a chance to live the same twice, each opportunity should be used wisely.

The book cites real life employment experiences in Africa, from graduation ceremonies to celebrations, to job searching for independence and believe of a successful career. Many African graduates yearn to leave home, earn an income with no plans or realistic goals. More often than not, graduates wait for long to get jobs, work hard to be successful and concentrate on employment routine rather than personal development. Surviving from pay check to pay check is common and after years in employment, dreams to work fade and search to do something different begins. In Africa, employees hope to better their lives, this book give lessons on how to avoid anger and frustrations. It teaches the need to cooperate with employer for mutual benefit and need to prosper in all we do. I learnt that a job is an opportunity to realize potential and build a better future, we need to leave work with knowledge of the enterprise, avoid debts to generate ownership. I have learnt not to pursue my career but enjoy it. As we consume our income, we should also generate/ create wealth. Each capital I earn, I should make it work for me, get profit, grow and develop skills to manage money from medium and long term goals. Setting my priorities right will help me plan my time, actions and spending money. It has instilled in me how to be a smart employees through expertise, hard work, enterprises and wealth creation as a personal responsibility. I should further my growth inside and outside work. This book is important for all people in various levels of their careers. If I do not understand what colleagues in other departments do, I may start to build walls, more often than not, it takes major change of pace to break those walls. People change, cultures change, markets change, but “How to proper in Employment”, is a book that shall stand the test of time.    

It is necessary to place a copy of How to Prosper in Employment in the hands of every employee in Africa because it is time Africa did things differently. It is about time for all employees to realize that income is more than the money one earns from the job; it also includes the experience we earn from the job which no one can take away from you no matter where you go. The book also helps us realize that employment is not a mere rat race to the top but it is about being excellent in whatever field you are in.

Understanding that we need to turn what we earn into capital is also a key point to note from the book. We need to do this if we are to become developers- people who enrich the world around them, which is something Africa really needs right now. If we are also to become donors and empower developers, we need to turn our salaries into capital.

Having said this, I have also learnt from this book that saving without a goal is like putting money aside just postponing its use. Setting clear goals, both short term and long term enables one to put their savings into proper use thus creating a “cash cow.” Having acquired this knowledge, I hope that I will not be … as sad as a person who can and will not …or as mad as a man who could but does not (pg. 94).

Majority of the young people graduate from campus thinking they’ll get jobs paying Kes. 60,000 and above, and that life is pretty simple. This book, in my opinion, suits them best. The book uses vivid examples that I can personally relate to. This helps in having a picture of how the employment life is, and have guidelines on how to prosper in employment. It therefore prepares them for their employment life, and thus avoid disappointments when they land at jobs with minimal salaries or none at all.

My personal take home from the book is that: I need to use my employment to create wealth not only for the bank but also for myself. This is so that I can have something to go to after retirement; I need to have functional goals that act as a guide in my career advancement;  This will help me work harder in order to achieve them and therefore lead me to success; I need to put in a lot of effort to ensure that am an expert at what I do; For me to invest, (buy a cow), I’ll need to be able to do personal financial management for it to be possible, Lastly, I should strive to do above and beyond what is expected of me.

Why is it necessary?
The book entitled, ‘How to Prosper In Employment’ is important for every employee for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the book shows the importance of understanding that the purpose of employment is not to live by hoping from salary to salary but to look into the future of your life and those around you. That is, that we should stop seeing employment as an end but a means to an end. Furthermore, with its tag line: A house, a spouse, a cow, it is tailor made for the African society. It is also necessary because it opens the eyes of a regular employee to the hurdles that the future in employment holds.

What do I learn from it?
I have learnt a lot from the book. First off, I have learnt to manage my expectations of the workplace. By this I mean that I should not be naïve and expect everything to go as I would like. There will be as many challenges as there are opportunities and progress is made through hard work. Secondly, I’ve learnt on how to save while looking towards my future instead of immediate gratification and satisfaction of my wants and needs. I have also learnt to never forget my God in all undertakings.

Allan has written a very powerful book that cuts across generations of people in the labour market. He looks at the lives of employed people as well as job seekers in order to help us avoid traps and pitfalls that may hinder a successful career. This book goes beyond motivational books as it speaks in a practical language that I found easy to relate to and understand. Therefore, this book should be placed in the hands of every employee in Africa so that its power can transform their lives. The book is thought provoking and will definitely help many people at various stages of employment especially because we are never really prepared for life before, during and after employment.
I learnt the meaning of employment. A job is not simply a source for my next pay check. This book has taught me to look at employment as a platform with limitless opportunities for personal development and wealth creation, for example, my job should enable me fulfil my life’s mission completely by the time am retiring from my own business long after leaving formal employment. Furthermore, I feel empowered after reading this book because it teaches how I should open my eyes while in employment so that I do not lose my years just repeating one year experience, for example, I will try to identify opportunities that are provided by employment.

-Kelvin KN

The book How to prosper in Employment is very important for every employee, in whatever stage of their career. Most people go into employment blindly; they do not understand what they want out of employment. Society expects people to live in a certain way, when thy have been employed for a period of time. In Kenya, you expect one should be driving, living in a fully furnished house in the posh areas of Nairobi and probably hanging out in the most “happening” entertainment joints in the city.

Most youth in Africa believe that they need to be employed to work. They tie their self-worth to the job they have and seem to be helpless when they do not have a job. The book is a handbook on getting the most out of one’s employment life which could span anywhere between 25-30 years. A tragedy would be to work half of your adult life and have nothing to show for it at retirement; or worse leaving ones family paying loans you could have avoided.

The greatest lesson I got from the book is that employment is a personal journey. The messenger had gained financial freedom working what many would regard as a small job. He knew what he wanted to achieve from the job and took it to his advantage. I saw employment as a means to finance one’s dreams. The network made at work is essential to fulfill my own goals. Employees in Africa should aim to be business owners, as well as develop their careers.

Everyone looking for a job fails to understand what the job is for. To them, a job should help them solve their problems through the salary they receive. What they forget is the main purpose of the job. The job is only there to help us prosper in life. The book takes an interesting approach by taking the reader through stages in life that are common to all. From graduating to landing their first job and to progress in the work place.

Employees need to understand that the job is not an asset and therefore, it will come a time when they will have to pass it over to (the) someone else. But the beauty of it all is that Africa is blessed with so many natural resources and labour such that, while on the job, the employees should be able to create wealth from their income in order to exploit the resources available to us rather than relying heavily on a job as the only source of income. A great problem amongst Africans is that they cash the income they receive. In no matter how small the amount may be. Africans need to appreciate that Rome was not built in one day. Therefore no matter how small the pay check may be, following it through diligently can help one create wealth from it.

One of the biggest problems in Africa today is the increase in the number of borrowers. We rely so much on debt in order to create and maintain a certain lifestyle. Therefore, it is important for Africans to get hold of this book in order to understand that ones’s income can be their capital in something that will create wealth for them and enable them purchase these items debt free.

It is therefore necessary to ensure that every African employee grows, develops and gains expertise in their job and from this create wealth for themselves by understanding that their income is not wealth and use their job to prosper in life. The concept is well grasped in the book “How to prosper in employment: and therefore every employee should get a copy of this.

I have taken with me more than I can put down. But for now, I will try and put it to summary. The very first lesson is that my job is here to make me prosper. In as far as my education is concerned, it is an enterprise. We are taught how to do things and, on the job, we gain experience and expertise with which I can take away with me. I should be able to take full advantage of the job and gain even new skills and use the skills and exposure to develop myself.

Another valuable lesson is that, from the income I receive, I can choose to either spend in totality to satisfy my behaviors or invest it somewhere to create wealth therefore turning it into capital or to collect it and save it or cash it. From every salary, I should make a profit from it. I should aim to earn more, but still spend the same amount. This “excess cash” I should use to create my very own cash cow. An investment that generates enough to sustain me and my family and itself.

Especially at mu young age, I have the ability to rescue my future. I need to take charge of my career development and prosperity in my job. I should be able to create wealth from my expertise while still employed such that if I were to retire today. I would be able to live the same life as I did on the job and even open up more exciting doors for myself.

In as much as I may want to progress in my career, I should not allow myself to get caught up in attractions such as titles, money and promotion that would make me forget the benefits of employment. But I should do my job, take pride in it and gain expertise on it because my work reflects who I am. With set goals and a plan, I can be able to develop my career and learn along the way.

Needless to say, the book is very informative and challenging to any employee in todays world. I would encourage others to read the book as well.

How to prosper in employment is necessary for all employees in Africa since it educates job seekers, employees and retirees. Having this book will change the way you view employment. For example many people view experience as the number of years of employment, but experience is more than the time spent at work or in the office. It is the total value of the knowledge, exposure and confidence on the job, it is the skill you gain to know how to manage attractions that cause us to neglect the benefits of employment ie title, identity, money and promotion. We also have to learn how our work earns money since it makes use of our skills. Employers use these same skills to create wealth for the business. African employees should learn to milk the opportunity since many people want good jobs yet those who have them do not make use of them. In addition to that we should mature through the 5 level knowing there are no specific timelines for each stage. Interestingly, when one fails to achieve their career goals we always say that it because we were not meant to be, but the truth is that we are not ambitious and also we do not take stock of just how much work is needed to achieve goals.  The secret of income: we should know is that income is more than money and to get all the income on hand you may need to do more than your assigned job, taking interest to learn about things beyond your normal scope of work. The route to success involves having priorities right a) determine what you will not do, b) decide where you spend your time and c) dictate how you use your money.

This book is an eye opener and has completely changes my view on employment. I only viewed employment as a source of income that would finance my livelihood, but after reading the book I have realized employment can be a perfect platform for an individual to improve their competence in a wide variety of fields – not only their area of specialization – and most importantly to create wealth. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is seeking employment or is in employment. The following were my major take outs from the text. They include; 1) in order to prosper in employment, I need wisdom, understanding and no little skill, 2) My job is not just career but a platform for achieving greater things in life, 3) the experience I will gain during employment should not just be the time I will send in the work environment but rather the total value of knowledge, exposure and expertise that I will develop on the job. 4) In order to prosper in my work, I will need to have a clear definition of what the job I will be engaging in has to offer to my career. This will enable me to be able to manage the attractions that may cause me to lose focus on the merits of my employment venture, 5) the best way to retire is to give all the best to my job and to ensure that I engage in the process of creating wealth while I am employed. This will enable me to venture into my own initiatives once I lead the job in the near future.

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