“Not long ago in the world of spirits,
there came about a famine. People were no longer praying to the gods. This
caused great consternation to the gods to the extent that they called a meeting
to pray about it. At the meeting, each of the gods stood and expressed their
concerns over the grave matter. Finally, the great gathering was called to prayer.
Suddenly a deep silence settled on the hall as each god considered to whom they
should pray. Since they were the normal recipients of prayers, they could not
think of anyone to whom they should pray. Eventually since they could not agree
to whom they should pray, the meeting ended in disarray. “
This story explains why many
meetings called to address pressing issues do not come out with workable
resolutions to real problems. Instead of focusing on the solution, meetings are
simply called to express the concerns of various parties about the problem. While
this may be important, these meetings hardly resolve the issues that require people
with the heart to work hard and follow through with a solution. It also begs
the question whether the people discussing the problem are competent to resolve
the core issue. Indeed leadership issues
are complex, but problems solving cannot take place at a meeting. Steve Jobs, a
man who is credited with exceptional leadership ability and resolving major technology
challenges in three global industries says, “When you first look at a problem,
it seems easy because you don’t know much about it, he said. Then, you get into
the problem and you see it’s really complicated and you come up with all these
convoluted solutions. Most people stop there. But the key is to keep going, he
said, until you find the underlying principle of the problem and sort of come
full circle with a beautiful, elegant solution that works.” (Blumenthal)
Obviously, Jobs was a man of superior
intellect, but he has left us a code to get a solution that works. The reason Africa’s
problems repeat themselves and become the subject of meeting after meeting is
that the issue is forgotten, pushed aside immediately after the meeting or may
be provided with a “convoluted” solution that does not work. Nobody follows through. Most of us stop at the
resolutions passed by the meeting and fail to “keep going” to find the underlying
principle of the problem.
The discussion of funding for agriculture
and genetically modified foods reminded me of President Mutharika’s agriculture
miracle in Malawi several years ago. In a few short years, he was able to turn
the country into a self-sufficient-surplus producing breadbasket. One would
have thought that the solution should have been sustainable – not so. The
underlying principle of the problem does not seem to have been resolved. We are
unable to create a beautiful, elegant solution that works. Many of our
solutions are convoluted answers to ostensibly simple questions.
The gods never solved the problem
because they did not address the famine. The fact that the people were
experiencing a famine was the issue, not prayers. Problems in Africa may persist
because no one goes back to the ground to the root of the problem to research, design
and actually create a solution that works.
Our significant weakness in
addressing national issues in meeting after meeting, is our lack of commitment
and courage to do something about it. This is what Adadevoh calls the, “inward
flaw that makes many Africans shy away from taking responsibility for changing
their situation”. This may sound like a harsh and unfair judgment of Africa’s leadership
situation, but evidently, our problems continue to persist predictably in the
same form year after year. Many of these problems do not require dramatic
intervention to eradicate. But they do require disciplined, dedicated self-sacrificing
men and women to create beautiful, elegant solutions that work on the ground. The
reason why Nike and Kenyan athletes work together so well is they just do it! However,
creating solutions is far beneath the role of gods.
Allan Bukusi
Thank you for the article. I have read it at an opportune moment so as to be a solution provider.