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  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Teach The Children Leadership

Teach the children integrity; teach them that God is watching and holds us all to account.
Teach the children courage; teach them to try, try and try again.
Teach the children work; teach them to do something of value every day.
Teach the children respect; teach them not to take other peoples things.
Teach the children service; teach them to help one another.
Teach the children humility; teach them to listen to each other.
Teach the children authority; teach them that obedience is honorable.
Teach the children love; teach them to share what they have.
Teach the children character; teach them to do right, no matter what the wrong.
Teach the children to excel; teach them to work hard and glorify God.
Teach the children confidence; teach them to communicate.
Teach the children to lead; teach them to let others go first.
Teach the children peace; teach them why they should not to fight.
Teach the children leadership and we will not have to teach anybody else much, because then, we will have leaders among men.
Allan Bukusi

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