THE entrepreneurial EMPLOYEE

Last weekend I had the privilege
of speaking at the Parklands Young Professionals’ Business Expo. 20% of the
participants were running their own business while 80% of the professionals present
were employed. Many of those present were thinking about opening a business of
their own in due time. So I guess they had come to find out a few tips from
those of us in the field. As we discussed the “ups and downs” as well as the “ins
and outs” of business it became quite clear that ALL of us are in enterprise. All
of us are entrepreneurs (at different levels). All of us in a business are entrepreneurs,
but only the owners will admit it. Though there is a traditional distinction made
between entrepreneurs and employees, in reality we are all in enterprise hence
the need for entrepreneurial thinking among everyone working in an enterprise.
While the qualities of an entrepreneur are often listed as focused, hardworking
and visionary there is no reason why an employee should not develop these same qualities.
However, any employee wishing to walk away with the full benefits of working in
an enterprise must develop the distinct qualities of an entrepreneurial employee.
Uncompromising work
ethic (value creation)
While many employees come to work
because they need a job or want the money, the entrepreneurial employee is
focused on value creation. The entrepreneurial employee adds specific and quantifiable
value to the business each day. This entrepreneurial employee sees himself as a
stakeholder in the success of the business. A person with an uncompromising
work ethic is self-driven, intrinsically motivated, forward looking and results
oriented. They address work problems not as personal challenges, but opportunities
to unlock valuable outcomes for the business. Entrepreneurial employees are
proud of their contribution and accomplishments to the business success. The
matter of productivity, output and quality of work for an entrepreneurial employee
is a matter of personal pride, self-esteem satisfaction, fulfillment, integrity,
dignity and honor. Such a person will make an excellent entrepreneur but they will
also be a most valued employee.
Profit oriented (Capitalist)
While entrepreneurs are said to be
profit oriented, employees live for salaries. Nonetheless, the entrepreneurial employee
understands the value of capital. The entrepreneurial employee sees his or her
job as a business. A business that must return a profit on the investment (money,
time and energy) he puts into it. While the regular employee waits to be paid a
salary at the end of the month, the entrepreneurial employee understands that
he has put in 30 days of his own capital to earn a return in terms of a salary.
The entrepreneurial employee thinks very differently from the regular employee.
While the regular employee prepares a budget to consume all his income on rent,
food and lifestyle expenses under the illusion that he will receive another
salary next month, the entrepreneurial employee takes stock of what he has
spent and calculates how much profit he has made that month. The entrepreneurial
employee will then reinvest his capital (earnings) in savings, a cooperative or
projects that will yield further profits for him in future. Such an employee
will make an excellent entrepreneur.

Personal development (Curious)
The third quality of an entrepreneurial
employee is an overt display of a desire for personal development and growth.
While most employees are satisfied to do the job they do every day, learn
nothing new and wait to be surprised by promotion, the entrepreneurial employee
recognizes that to be employed is to be enrolled in the university of
enterprise. Entrepreneurial employees are curious about how the business works.
Such an employee may be employed as a clerk in a bank, but they will take an
interest to learn about marketing and exchange rates and how the banking
process works. They will study industry statistics and will take every
opportunity to obtain exposure to departments and business activities not necessarily
for promotion, but for personal preparation and development as an entrepreneur.
The entrepreneurial employee will take every opportunity and look forward to
being exposed to multiple aspects of a business. All too often employees work
in a company for many years and come away with no clue of how the enterprise
works. The entrepreneurial employee is forever grateful for the head-start,
jump-start and mentorship employers give them in business.
Wealth creation (entrepreneurship)
Regular employees believe they
are paid by the employer for their qualifications. Entrepreneurial employees
understand that they are paid from the wealth created by the business. While
competence and capability are important, no business can reward its employees
without accomplishing its contractual agreements to its clients. In this regard, the entrepreneurial employee secures his own income by partnering with the employer
to create wealth for society.
If you are thinking of starting
your own business someday it may be useful to postpone your resignation and become and entrepreneurial employee first.
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