Allan's corporate training, leadership research and empowering books on personal development impact thousands of lives across Africa.

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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

To be satisfied with less is to debase yourself

To be satisfied to be less than you were made to be is to debase yourself to misery. Strive to be all you were made to be. It will not only be good for you but good of humanity too. Do your best in everything you do. In this way you will live to be fulfilled, the world will be thrilled to have you and God will be glorified in you.

Allan Bukusi

A fool thinks he knows. A wiseman knows that he does not know.

A fool thinks he knows. A wiseman knows that he does not know.

Allan Bukusi

Friday, February 6, 2015

Do you have an MBA?

A young man burst into his bosses office and complained loud and long about being overlooked, passed over and ignored for the past two years in spite of having obtained an MBA two years ago. The boss listened quietly then asked, “young man you say you have an MBA?” “Yes” shouted the young man. “Has it ever occurred to you to use it?”

Allan Bukusi

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Work is the creative engagement of initiative...

Work is the creative engagement of initiative, energy and activity to produce a valuable outcome. Stay with me – work through this statement and you will discover that you do not need (material) resources or something to do in order to work. You create resources and something to do through the process of work.

Allan Bukusi

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Worth of a Man

The soul of a man is revealed by his character.
The spirit of a man by his patience.
The heart of a man is seen in his courage while the diligence of a man is expressed in his competence. The mind of a man is his intellect while the age of a man is known by his wisdom.
The depth of a man is in his love, but the worth of a man is in what he gives.

 Allan Bukusi