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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

CBLC, transforming Industry

On the 10th of September 2014 PAC University signed a collaboration agreement with MANAGEMENT DECISION INFORMATION, MDI to establish the Corporate Business Leadership Centre, CBLC. This new venture will open up a new market for PAC University to transform the corporate world through leadership & skill development programs and engage society and the economy at an unprecedented level And makes PAC University a first mover in terms of innovative leadership programs to serve a hungry market.

The strength of this partnership draws on PAC University capacity and resources base as an institution of higher learning to deliver superior globally accredited qualifications and MDI competence and experience as a Management Training and Consultancy service provider to large and medium size corporate clients over the past two decades. The collaboration will serve to bridge the gap between Academics and Industry through the provision of empowering short training programs and consultancy assignments.

Some people have expressed surprise that PAC University has the capacity and competence to deliver transformative programs to the business world. Indeed the university has strong historic Bible and theological roots – this is a big plus for the university in terms of training society on values and integrity. However, PAC University also has vibrant undergraduate and postgraduate business classes that send out Business graduates into the market every year. CBLC is an important indicator of PAC University's commitment to serve the whole man and play a responsible role in the economy and in transforming society.

CBLC responds to the need described by a director of the vision 2030 secretariat in the Nation Newspaper of 8th September 2014 titled, "To achieve Vision 2030, we must align manpower training and industry needs". The article points out the gap in the market between industry needs and what educational institutions are supplying to the market, but it also points out the grave inadequacies in skill competencies that lead to performance gaps and productivity shortfalls in the economy.  CBLC sets out to close this gap and empower all types of organizations and institutions in society to achieve not only vision 2030, but also transform society to realize its full potential.

CBLC has a very clear mission; to research, design, develop and deliver training and consultancy programs to transform the market. The aim is to harness the universities intellectual capital to help resolve industry needs and challenges as well as create wealth through the use of knowledge to create value in the economy.

 CBLC will be headed by Allan Bukusi as its CEO. He is also the MD of MDI and formerly the founding CEO of the Professional Trainers Association of Kenya, PTAK. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Human Resources Management, IHRM and has over two decades experience training and empowering leadership teams of large and medium size corporate organizations in the economy in leadership, performance management and strategy development. Allan has written several books on leadership and personal development including How To Lead Corporate Transformation, Training for Transformation, Family Strategy, Management, Managing Time, Managing Money and his bestselling employee development classic – How To Prosper in Employment;  a House, a Spouse & a Cow. As the Chief Trainer, Allan is responsible for Research, design, developing and delivering transformative programs to industry. Allan holds a BSc, PGDE and MA in Leadership & Enterprise.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Choice is not freedom if you have no capacity to handle the options.

Choice is not freedom if you have no capacity to handle the options.

Allan Bukusi

The Law has never changed anyone;

The law has never changed anyone. Only the heart can do that. The law in a book is useful, but the law of the heart is fruitful.

Allan Bukusi

At the Core of Creation is an Idea

The core of creation is an idea. The core of leadership is thinking. Leaders think of ideas which they use to create reality.
Allan Bukusi

Saturday, September 13, 2014

CBLC, Corporate Business Leadership Centre

PAC University VC, Prof. Margaret Muthwii & Mdi MD. Allan Bukusi, exchange agreement documents.  
10th of September 2014 saw the realization of a long-standing dream. The signing of an agreement to operationalize the PAC University Corporate Business Leadership Centre or PAC University CBLC. The significant ceremony reflects the commitment of PAC University to provide services that respond to Kenya’s and Africa’s socio-economic needs and spearhead the transformation of Africa through leadership development programs. The brief ceremony was witnessed by University HODs and the MANAGEMENT DECISION INFORMATION training and business consulting team. The mission of the new unit is to research, develop, design and deliver training and consultancy programs to transform industry. Zachariah says do not despise the day of small things – we look forwards to the great things the grace of God will permit us to do for our Country Kenya and Africa.

To achieve Vision 2030, we must align manpower training and industry needs

On the 8th of September, the Daily Nation carried an article by Dr. Omar Mohammed on its opinion page (13), that perhaps for the first time signified the realization at higher levels of government that there is need for specific training interventions in the Kenyan economy to realize Vision 2030. The article clearly outlined the glaring skill gaps and suggested that the achievement of Vision 2030 is impossible unless these gaps are closed. Dr. Omar Mohammed, who is director of the economic pillar, Vision 2030 Delivery secretariat, may have been outlining his job description, but he did make it clear that he is calling on other institutions to refocus their business processes and activity designs to help close the yawning gaps in the economy to help realize the Vision 2030 dream. He decried the lack of a, “well thought-out framework that should connect the curriculum of the learning institutions and the practicalities of the workplace”.  Exactly two days later on 10th September 2014, PAC University and MANAGEMENT DECISION INFORMATION, a management training & consultancy firm, signed an agreement to open the Corporate Business Leadership Centre, CBLC whose mission is to research, develop, design, and deliver training and consultancy programs to transform industry. As if reading from the exact same script this new body will address to itself to the specific challenges outlined by Dr. Omar Mohammed to realize vision 2030. We wish CBLC every success in this initiative.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Leadership is meaningless if life has no purpose.

Leadership is meaningless if life has no purpose. If leadership has no purpose then life is meaningless.

Allan Bukusi