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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

CBLC, transforming Industry

On the 10th of September 2014 PAC University signed a collaboration agreement with MANAGEMENT DECISION INFORMATION, MDI to establish the Corporate Business Leadership Centre, CBLC. This new venture will open up a new market for PAC University to transform the corporate world through leadership & skill development programs and engage society and the economy at an unprecedented level And makes PAC University a first mover in terms of innovative leadership programs to serve a hungry market.

The strength of this partnership draws on PAC University capacity and resources base as an institution of higher learning to deliver superior globally accredited qualifications and MDI competence and experience as a Management Training and Consultancy service provider to large and medium size corporate clients over the past two decades. The collaboration will serve to bridge the gap between Academics and Industry through the provision of empowering short training programs and consultancy assignments.

Some people have expressed surprise that PAC University has the capacity and competence to deliver transformative programs to the business world. Indeed the university has strong historic Bible and theological roots – this is a big plus for the university in terms of training society on values and integrity. However, PAC University also has vibrant undergraduate and postgraduate business classes that send out Business graduates into the market every year. CBLC is an important indicator of PAC University's commitment to serve the whole man and play a responsible role in the economy and in transforming society.

CBLC responds to the need described by a director of the vision 2030 secretariat in the Nation Newspaper of 8th September 2014 titled, "To achieve Vision 2030, we must align manpower training and industry needs". The article points out the gap in the market between industry needs and what educational institutions are supplying to the market, but it also points out the grave inadequacies in skill competencies that lead to performance gaps and productivity shortfalls in the economy.  CBLC sets out to close this gap and empower all types of organizations and institutions in society to achieve not only vision 2030, but also transform society to realize its full potential.

CBLC has a very clear mission; to research, design, develop and deliver training and consultancy programs to transform the market. The aim is to harness the universities intellectual capital to help resolve industry needs and challenges as well as create wealth through the use of knowledge to create value in the economy.

 CBLC will be headed by Allan Bukusi as its CEO. He is also the MD of MDI and formerly the founding CEO of the Professional Trainers Association of Kenya, PTAK. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Human Resources Management, IHRM and has over two decades experience training and empowering leadership teams of large and medium size corporate organizations in the economy in leadership, performance management and strategy development. Allan has written several books on leadership and personal development including How To Lead Corporate Transformation, Training for Transformation, Family Strategy, Management, Managing Time, Managing Money and his bestselling employee development classic – How To Prosper in Employment;  a House, a Spouse & a Cow. As the Chief Trainer, Allan is responsible for Research, design, developing and delivering transformative programs to industry. Allan holds a BSc, PGDE and MA in Leadership & Enterprise.


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