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Friday, March 14, 2014

The Journey of Corporate Transformation

Scientists tell us that the human body totally renews itself every seven to ten years. This amazing act equips the body to not only survive, but also adapt itself to the changing environment and overcome future challenges. While the human body transforms naturally, an organization must develop in the capacity to survive and thrive. However, no organization has the luxury of waiting seven years to start the process of renewal. Indeed an organization that does not make an effort to transform itself every 2-3 years will soon decay and become unresponsive to environmental change.

The journey of corporate transformation starts with a leadership team committed to the success of the business. It begin with a briefing of what transformation is, how to go about it, and its key benefits. This briefing helps the leadership team assess the value of the program, ascent to and own the process. The briefing enables a business to make a reflective assessment of 1) the state of the business is, 2) where it wants to go, and 3) what strategy it needs to employ to reach its goals. The journey itself has four activity stages.

These four activity stages moves a business through the corporate transformation cycle and equips the organization to embark on the journey of successful corporate transformation. The journey of corporate transformation is not a short-term intervention or latest management fad. It is a fundamental process of renewal that facilitates the long-term survival, sustainability and success of a business by focusing on fulfilling the evolving needs of the customer within a dynamic environment.

Allan Bukusi is the CEO of Management Decision Information, director of Allan Bukusi Associates and author of how to lead corporate transformation. He has over two decades experience training & consulting for major local and international organizations in the public, private and NGO sectors and  has started several organizations on the Journey of Corporate Transformation.

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