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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Monday, December 31, 2012



Fukuyama gives a compressed historical account of the development of politics from the primate to just short of the industrial revolution in this foundational book. He covers the continents with masterful ease selecting his examples and in-depth analysis of events and circumstances with surprising revelations of recurrences of present day challenges. He covers the continents but does not cover Africa or Australia to the same degree as he covers the rest of the world.

However, his summation of the development of democracy is succinct in his definition of it as a European export that has come to dominate world affairs. His dealing with the development of the state, the rule of law and institutions detail significant lessons for those in government and institutional leadership. Interestingly this work does not talk about first, second or third world but treats the subject as "one world", drawing lessons from every possible context, civilization and epoch in history, giving credit to where modern concepts were first documented or unearthed.

This is a great work in political literacy. The foundations and the central role power (sharing), control of resources, social development, empowerment, religion, capitalism, justice and equity, political ideology and geography as well as the fundamental structure of political organization in a country is essential knowledge for developing solutions to national and international challenges today. With a soft spot for Africa, I am glad to note that the continent does not have to go through all this (history) to achieve global status. Moreover, that there is no one-way of creating successful governments as has been shown by the history of the world.

Congratulations Francis Fukuyama and thank you for your contribution to world success.

Allan Bukusi


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