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  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Christian Leader



Choosing a leader is risky business; because the future of all the people is at stake. As a voter,  it is your job to make sure that your future is secure. Bad leaders are easy to spot. But how do you choose between the good, and the best leader? They all have a vision, skill and the will to lead… The best leader in our eyes may not be the one God would choose. Man looks on the outside; God looks on the inside. The two are like night and day.  But what does God look for? This list is not final; but it will guide you on what to look for in a leader God would choose and use for your own good.


Anyone who claims to be a Christian must know Christ. Christ claimed to be God. By extension, anyone who claims to be a Christian must know God. So you will ask me "how I will know that he knows God?".  First, the leader will confess with his mouth and believe in his heart that Christ is lord. He will be in communion with Christ. But, you say," those are mere words". True, there is a second part of this equation that is also critical. God must know him. Of Christ, God said; "this is my son of whom I am well pleased". Christ said; "if you will not believe by my words, then believe by my works. They point to the one who sent me." Paul says "you have faith, I have works. I will show you that I have faith BY my works." Christ and Paul call their works to witness of their knowledge of God and that God knows them.


What is the leader's agenda? What does he want to achieve? Christ's example is amazing He says; "I do nothing except the will of my father". These are the words of Christ; the leader of Christians.  "My food is to do the will of my father". This is the agenda of the Christian leader.  This means that the leader must do what God wants done; not what he may feel needs to be done. When Christ was going to the cross he said; "Thy will be done". He had a choice. As a man, he did not feel like dying. There is evidence that if he had his own way; death would not have been his choice. Thank God, it was Gods option.


Moses led the people out of Egypt. They were glad to be free. But his job was not to take them to the Red Sea. It was to lead them to God. His mission was not complete until he had led them to God. He led them to face God. He led them back to God. He wanted them to know God as he did. It is one thing to escape a wicked ruler; and it is quite another to worship the true God. It is one thing to lead people out of trouble; and quite another to lead them to God. Christ says "feed my sheep… tend my lambs". Many leaders have good skills; but where do they lead the people? Do they lead the people to God; or do they lead people into or out of trouble? 


When Christ gave an account of his work on earth he said; "I have kept all those you gave me; apart from the one". He gave an account of what God had given him to work with. He gave a report of what he had done; and the one who was to be lost. A leader must report what he or she has done. A leader gives an account of what he has been given. A steward must be faithful with what he has. Is your leader a good steward of what he has? Is he faithful? The first place you may want to check is with his family and his job.


The true leader will change history. Things will never be the same. His mark will be a turning point in the affairs of men. The mark of a leader is his life. His or her life will change the future. The leader says follow my example. Christ said "… If you believe in me; greater things will you do". Paul says "do as I do...follow me, as I follow Christ."  Will the leader, you choose, work with God to change the future?  Can you trust the leader with Gods plan for your life?


Many good leaders have one or two of these marks. The best leaders have all five. But the real question is not the leader you choose. The question for you and me is; will we choose to work with God or against him? If God chooses one; and we choose another; my pity is not with the one who lost. My pain is with the one who chose to oppose God. That mark depends on you!  Your vote will be your mark in history. 


Allan Bukusi, April 2010

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