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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

When the Leader is not in control

When the weight of a nation rests on a single soul crushed in the crucible of decision making. And the burden is so great that even the courageous are afraid, it is not enough to say that the leader is good or bad. But the wise will pray that the lot will fall in the right places because they know that even the leader is not in control.

Allan Bukusi

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Authority & Power

Authority and power are inseparable. I find that those who have power command authority and those who have authority mobilize power.

Allan Bukusi


Of all the noise that is made, governance is by decree not debate.

Allan Bukusi

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Best Teams

The best teams are identified in adversity. This is when even very good teams fall apart. Adversity is a team test, the very object of teamwork. Great teams close ranks in adversity - others just collapse.

Allan Bukusi

Step Aside

There is a time when those who know what needs to be done must step aside and let those who know how to do it get the job done.
Allan Bukusi

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Garissa is calling

What do Sharpsville, Selma Alabama, Auschwitz, Jallianwala Bagh and now Garissa have in common? Apart from being places where blameless people have been killed discriminately, these places have raised the moral conscience of nations to pay attention to the highly valued prize of unity, justice and freedom.   
These landmarks remind us that a people cannot be intimidated by injustice or an unjust cause. Indeed, the indomitable resolve of the people is ignited by injustice. These places reminded citizens that no wrong can become right because of might. These places elevate the spirits of ordinary men and women to those of saints who by their deaths water the field of justice so that the living can raise crops of peace.
These places remind us that what makes heroes is not the color of their blood, the nature of their creed, age or gender, but the fact that they will not bow to intimidation of an unjust cause. These places remind us that violence is not a virtue; neither does violence make any among us virtuous. While love calls for tolerance, hate cannot drive a peaceful agenda. Nevertheless, violence reveals the villain against the values of unity, justice and peace. The villain fears unity, justice and peace
However, these places offer us opportunity to water the fields of justice and raise crops of peace. They offer us an opportunity to safeguard our unity and protect our freedom. This is not an option. To succumb to the fear of a few who must use force to command a following is not valor. No force can prevail against the will of a people to enjoy God given freedom. Not even Robben Island. This is not the burden of a few “unlucky” families. It is our sacred duty to guard against robbers of unity, to do justice, to protect every man’s freedom and to raise crops of peace wherever we are.

Allan Bukusi



Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Entrepreneurs are people who do things nobody else is willing to do in order to have the things everyone else wants.

Entrepreneurs are people who do things nobody else is willing to do in order to have the things everyone else wants.

Allan Bukusi


Some people hear, others get to know things, a small number understand  but only a few get to put on what they learned.
Allan Bukusi

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Struggle for Capital

To accumulate capital is no small feat. But to accumulate capital is to develop the ability to develop and the capacity to grow and to direct growth. There is much talk about good and evil when it comes to capital, but the good and the evil describes more of the people than the money. Capitalists are able to match desire with action and wealth enables people to be creative and take risks. To be a capitalist is to be able to accumulate, manipulate and handle resources profitably. This is no mean skill but it is a skill all of us must master to excel. While those who don’t have capital struggle, they only struggle until they do. Those who understand capital have a wisdom those who struggle against it will never know.

Allan Bukusi


Goodbye Nana

Life is a very short season. It is the very reason that we can’t make sense of it. It is stolen from us just when we have it. In absolutely no time, all we are left with is memories. Memories to live and memories to give. All of us are just memories. But a life to live and love to give is more than most will ever leave. Goodbye Nana. You are gone and now we grieve, you touched a heart and a soul. Perhaps that is all we live to give – a life that someone else might live.

Allan Bukusi


Saturday, April 4, 2015

There can be no me without you.

There can be no me without you. And there can be no you without me. Methinks that if we understood this we would all be better people – starting with me.

Allan Bukusi

If you do not focus on your goals, they will become your obstacles.

If you do not focus on your goals, they become your obstacles.

Allan Bukusi

Obstacles are the pretext of miracles.

Obstacles are the pretext of miracles.

Allan Bukusi