Allan's corporate training, leadership research and empowering books on personal development impact thousands of lives across Africa.
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The Spirit of Wisdom
The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Things won’t change; you have to change things.
Things won’t change; you have to change things.
Allan Bukusi
Thursday, December 10, 2015
I have spent an entire lifetime finding out what I now know.
II find it interesting that I have spent an entire lifetime
finding out what I now know. To console myself, I must believe that I needed all
that time to find it out. It could not have made sense before.
Allan Bukusi
Monday, December 7, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015
The Charismatic Pastor
A charismatic and popular senior pastor
arrived in heaven after an engaging global tour that covered some of the most difficult
terrain on earth. The well meaning pastor expected a rapturous welcome which he
received on arrival, but was more than a little disturbed to find that his
throne was some distance away from St Peter.
While graciously accepting his position
he enquired of God via spiritual mail as to whether there may have been some
mistake in the positioning of thrones.
He went on to remind the Lord that at his behest and beckoning thousands
indeed millions had come to Christ. He started with the small church nobody
wanted to go to and on to the final ecclesiastical cathedral he had built in
the citadel that had become a model for mega-churches around the world. He
recalled his near death experience as he ministered in the depths of darkest Africa and of course the sacrifices he had made in his family life.
Back came the swift reply from the
seating committee; “If you can answer the following questions correctly we
shall move you up by one seat, 1) Who brought the people to church, 2) Who kept
you from dying 3) Who watched over your family while you were preaching?
Allan Bukusi
The managers among us
Managers are a special group of
people who live among us. They are especially useful when it comes to solving
problems and resolving issues. Unfortunately, they force us to do things we otherwise would not do and have the tendency to be
organizing everything. Fortunately there are not many of them around, just enough
to bear with. However, though we detest their domineering nature, we need them because
we generally do not have the drive and discipline to get things done. Nevertheless
entry into this privileged club is free of charge and is a simple matter of choice. No
application form or fees is needed - nothing but initiative.
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Problem solving is an attitude!
When people are asked to solve a problem, rather than
create a solution, they look for the answer.
Allan Bukusi
Saturday, November 14, 2015
God has given each one of us a burden...
God has given each one of us a burden, a share of humanity
that each one of us must bear. My load is not lighter than yours and neither is
yours better than mine. But that each of us may work for the good of all of us otherwise
we would all sit back and become one selfish lot.
Allan Bukusi
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Poverty mentality - reloaded!
The most disturbing thing about the poverty mentality is not that it keeps one from getting ahead, but that it actually forces you to bring others down to your own level. Unfortunately, those afflicted by this condition are unaware of what they are doing. Instead of focusing on their own development, they direct a great deal of energy to frustrate initiative and innovation and thus ensure they remain in the same position.
Allan Bukusi
Allan Bukusi
How to remain a leader
Leaders must spend at least ten percent of their time developing themselves in order to keep up with themselves as leaders in leadership roles with responsibility.
Allan Bukusi
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Thoughts need to the thought.
Thoughts need to be thought, touched and felt. They need to
be analyzed, interpreted, meditated upon and prayed through. Thoughts need to
be ordered and aligned to inform a meaningful life. Ignore them and all you can do is exist.
Allan Bukusi
Monday, October 12, 2015
At the opening session of a recent
conference of top researchers and managers of scientific institutions from 15
nations spread across west, east and southern Africa, participants were asked
to, “Share the attributes of a leader they most admired”. The spontaneous list
of 17 items generated from the brief reflections of these institutional leaders
who had never met before save for a brief interaction at breakfast in the hotel
would suggest that the 17 items are the most immediate, common and overt
qualities of an admirable leader. However, upon close examination of this seemingly
random list of responses we find that three competencies emerge in equal
measure as attributes of an admirable leader.
Though the question was used as an introduction
to the topic of leadership, the reconstructed lists below to show a profound
depth of insight to the personal, relational and situational competencies any (admirable)
leader should work hard to develop.
The responses
fall equally into three categories and would seem to indicate that leadership
has three important perspectives of interpretation, perceptions and worldview.
There are those who see leadership as embodied in the person. Others see its
value in terms of relational competencies of the leader while still others
judge leaders by their effect on situations. While the personal qualities
listed above may have been the expected or “correct” answer to the question, the
more interesting outcome of this exercise was the participants “forced” inclusion
of these added leader competencies as “attributes” of a leader when in fact
they may be beyond the leader’s direct control. For example charisma is not a personal attribute it
only comes to light in the context of other people. A leader is also expected
to be a problem solver of issues
beyond his person!
The fact that participants listed these qualities
in response to the same question may also suggest that an admirable leader
should have and develop all three competencies in equal measure. The three
circles should intersect and expand to create the (admirable) leader. From
admirable leaders we get a clue of how to become an effective leader. It is
remarkable that the respondents were willing to attribute the quality of relationships
and achievement of outcomes outside the control of a leader to the person of a
leader! In other words an admirable leader’s job is to be a good person, manage
relationships of others and ensure successful outcomes of situations and circumstances
they may enter or find themselves in.
Good people
Leaders need to be good people. People
will and want their leaders to be good people. People need to see some good in a
person to prequalify them for leadership. This “goodness” must be available to a level
of perfection and elevation that the general population aspires to but does not
normally achieve. There may be leaders who do not qualify as good (depending on
the perception of good), but admirable leaders also score highly on relational
and situational competencies.
Relational ability
Leaders need to be effective relationship
managers. They need to effectively manage relationships between themselves and the
people, but must more importantly be able to manage relationships between
people in the organization. They need to broker, manage and effect a sense of
justice, equity and right in a team and institution. Leaders should have the
ability to step outside themselves (personal biases) to create harmony and a
sense of unity among a group of people.
Situational competence
Leaders must show themselves
capable of handling situations they may not be “to blame for”. The need to be
be willing to be accountable and dependable. They need to demonstrate an
outstanding measure of competence in specific areas. Leaders are expected to take
ownership of and change circumstances from disadvantage to the progress and
benefit for the people they lead. These leaders are celebrated for the capacity
they have to change the environment.
The admirable leader’s job then
is to effectively control themselves, manage other people’s relationships and ensure
adequate resolution of situations in instant and equal measure. That said, this
article suggests that initial nomination for leadership positions may be based
on the prevalence of these three “admirable” or “visible” leadership competencies.
Potential leaders vying for promotion need to develop all three competencies. While people who cannot control themselves, avoid
managing relationships among other people and do not excel in what they do cannot
expect to be recognized for leadership positions. Those already in leadership positions
may want to do a quick check on how they are faring in the public perception of
their leadership and make the necessary adjustments to secure and advance their
status and position in the organization. Interestingly, while good leader’s master
one or two circles of competencies, great leaders excel in all three!
Allan Bukusi
LEPARD Conference, Kampala 2015The Leadership Tug of War
Allan Bukusi
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The space between wisdom and foolishness is silence
There is a gap between a request and an answer and
between a demand and response that is filled with silence. In that space lays
the destiny of nations, the making of kings and the establishment of foolish
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
There are only two career choices in life
There are only two career choices in life. You must decide as soon as possible whether you want to be an employee or an entrepreneur. These two people think and act very differently.
Allan Bukusi
Friday, September 11, 2015
My heart beats for Africa!.
Africa is poor, disorganized and
degraded. Poor because we do not know how to use wealth. Disorganized because
we do not respect authority and have weak institutions. Degraded because the country
has been raped, exploited and abused since the Pharaohs ruled their world. The
people have lost self esteem. The call for leadership is to restore the soul of
the people with hope, dignity and enterprise. I do not think for a minute that this
is an easy job. I wish it could be done in my lifetime. But start today we must,
to make a difference, wherever we are, in the circumstances of this great
nation. God have mercy on Africa. Revive the heart of leaders and do not refuse
to hear the prayers of your people.
Allan Bukusi
Thursday, September 3, 2015
The age of "The Employee" has come to an end!
The age of the employee is dead,
gone and about to be forgotten. In the past slaves worked for free, today employees
work for money while entrepreneurs make money. In the old days slaves simply
did what they were told, today employees have carefully worded job descriptions.
Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, do what needs to be done to get the job done.
These are not minor distinctions nor are these descriptions intended to be a
play on words. These three make a significant impact on staff effort initiative
and output.
The “employee” was created by the
industrial age. That age of mass production mechanized jobs and work procedures
and made many employees make many of the same thing by each employee doing one
thing. Employees essentially did that one thing for life. A person’s career was
based on the mastery of a single skill like, “filling a form” or “making a pot”.
So long as an employee mastered that skill, his job was unchallenged, career established
and income guaranteed. No more was demanded of him. Indeed no more was desired
of him. All one had to do was show up at 8 and check out at 5 with a minimum of
20 widgets handed over to the store supervisor. However, the advances in
technology and business organization have dismantled this comfort zone. A
minimum 20 widgets for a days work is not enough to guarantee anyone a job.
The information age driven by
technology has created a whole new set of demands on organizations and those
who work in them. While it was sufficient for industrial age employees to be
productive, the new age demands performance. The Industrial age employee did
not have to be creative. The job did not require it. While the industrial age employee worked hard
to protect his job, today’s employee must create wealth in order to be
employed. Employees have transformed into entrepreneurs.
The information age no longer
affords employees the luxury of doing one thing for life. Today employees are
expected to do many different things. Indeed, staff are expected to do many
things differently! It is no longer appropriate to call them employees. The
character of successful employees is more like entrepreneurs making wealth for
the employer (profits) and themselves (rewards). Employees from the industrial age cannot hope
to survive in the information age. Staff in the information age must be ready
to think, take initiative and do what it takes to make a profit in order to
keep their jobs. To think of employees as entrepreneurs sounds like an anomaly
if you come from the industrial age. Nevertheless, workers who succeed in the
information age must be entrepreneurs or at the very least have an
entrepreneurial mindset, because today’s organizations cannot afford to pay employees,
they can only succeed if they hire entrepreneurs to work for them.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Leadership Pledge
- I understand that I am a leader.
- I have the ability and the responsibility to be a leader.
- I have the right and the authority to exercise leadership for my own good, the good of humanity and the glory of God.
This pledge helps leaders appreciate their role in society
and the need to be effective in service to humanity and ultimately to God.
Allan Bukusi
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Great generals create nations, but the future is in the infantry.
Great generals create nations, but the future is in the infantry.
Allan Bukusi
Allan Bukusi
Friday, August 28, 2015
Three levels of followers
A follower is one who lets
another take the lead, give direction and set goals. Poor followers do not do
what they are asked, rebel and find it hard to submit and need repeated
coercion. Good followers are obedient, take instruction and respond positively
to authority. The best followers follow through to the next instruction, are
actively engaged in the pursuit of goals and take responsibility for the
outcome of their actions. The greatest followers become good examples, show
others how to follow through, handle responsibility and become leaders.
Allan Bukusi
Cynical by nature
Cynicism always sounds witty,
wise and clever, but is always self defeating as it hides behind a lack of will
to take responsibility for anything including personal progress. It works
desperately hard against those who embrace it and totally absolves them of any
blame that may arise out of any situation they face, are in or see as unfit for
them. Unfortunately, cynical by nature is easy to sell. It costs nothing. It is
free of charge, but very costly to keep.
Allan Bukusi
The power of knowledge
Knowledge has power, but that
power is not acquired by mere exposure. There are many who walk up to knowledge,
look at it in the face and walk away without it. Knowledge has to be engaged,
challenged, tried and tested in order to yield its power. It must be questioned,
analyzed, applied and tried in order to bare the fruits of its soul. Knowledge
smiles and is showered on many, but only shines in a few like the sun. Those
who accept the challenge glow with power. Those who do not accept the challenge
never grow. So punch and pummel, strive and struggle and do not come away from
any brief contact with knowledge with nothing to show for all that you know.
Allan Bukusi
Language is more than meets the ear
Mastery of language is beautiful
to listen to. Mastering another language allows you to communicate to new
populations, but the power of language is not in numbers. Language is the
collection of wisdom of a people. It is coded history, culture and learning. It
opens a door to a new perspective a new world of understanding and realm of
interpretation of the world. Learning another language for the sake of speaking
another language defeats the purpose of language. Language allows you to
advance in thought word and deed. A language that will advance your station
will enable you to traverse centuries of learning human existence and
Allan Bukusi
The power to transform
Only the original and authentic
has the power to transform. Everything else may not be fake but all it can do
is duplicate.
Allan Bukusi
The flame of the will
The will to develop, to grow, to
learn and to become is not natural. It has to be lit and fanned into a flame.
Indeed its absence is replaced with a dullness no emotion can describe. The
frustration of dealing with a dead spirit can only be matched by weight of
having to live with it. The body grows naturally, but if the will does not
mature, the two can be horribly out of touch. Dysfunctional. However, once the will is lit, it
becomes a passionate living flame that ignites or burns everyone with its
Allan Bukusi
Struggle out of life
It is quite evident that if you
don’t want much out of life you will never get it. But if you want a great deal
out of life then you must struggle. All achievement is born out of struggle
whether it is coming out of a shell or concluding a sale. Nevertheless there
are those who choose not to struggle, but are not happy with what comes to them
and those that struggle and do not always achieve what they want. However, on
the balance it is better to struggle and fail than fail without a struggle.
Allan Bukusi
Of learning and learners
Over time I have observed various
types of learners. Those who have been sent to learn, those who have no urge to
learn, those who are open to learn and those who take away what they learn. In
all courses and programs at whatever level of corporate organization or
academic development all four usually show up in various ratios. The
predominance of the former is a very hard and frustrating work for the teacher
and a great waste of effort for everyone. The predominance of the later is a proficient
experience for everyone with a productive outcome.
Those who have been sent to learn
come without spirit, spark or resolve, since they have no personal conviction
nothing the teacher says can be convincing. Those who have no urge to learn
show up for the record and add a great dead weight. Without an urge to learn,
they leave with no value no matter the urgency of the matter. Those who are
open to learning open up streams of knowledge even the teacher does not know.
Those open to learning draw on the energy and engage the ingenuity of the
teacher. Yet those who take away what they learn grow in significance and change
the world from that day on. After many days I may hear from and of the latter
but never have I ever come across the former.
Allan Bukusi
Trials and success have nothing in common
Trials are temporary and are to be endured. Success is
fleeting and too fast. The two have nothing in common.
Allan Bukusi
The power of purpose
The greatest thing you can do for
a person is to help them get a sense of purpose, a cause and an object of
attention in this life. That purpose becomes the drive and the motive to strive
and overcome. It becomes a reason to be and become. A sense of purpose will
heal the inward flaw and lay the groundwork for your life and all your life’s
success and achievement.
Allan Bukusi
Get a person to where he needs to be
To get a person to change you
must get him to appreciate what he is. To get a person to develop, you must get
him to understand where he is. To get a person to advance you must get him to
realize why he is. And to get a person to succeed you must get him to believe
who he can be.
Allan Bukusi
Professionals & Amateurs
A cultured person plays to the
rules. The amateur plays with the rules. A talented person has great ability. A
skilled person masters of his abilities.
Allan Bukusi
Where did you get your degree?
A person with a degree in Africa
and a person with a degree in America do not graduate at the same point in
time, history and society. Their contexts do not allow them the same options or
destiny. They graduate to meet different needs. It is impractical to attempt to
compare the two.
Allan Bukusi
The advance of nations and a third world mindset
The advance of nations is not in quality
of education or infrastructure development, but in the development of the people, the breath of
language, depth of culture and richness of options they have. It is possible to create a first world nation with a third world mindset.
Allan Bukusi
What is vision?
Vision is the ability to correctly position an event in the
context of history and eternity.
Allan Bukusi
Find your place in the world
To find ones place in the world
is to seamlessly occupy the space between history and eternity by establishing
a connection with the past and a foundation for the future. That is your destiny; the
space you occupy between history and eternity.
Allan Bukusi
Of History & Destiny
There is great danger in judging
history for its past form and greater danger of evaluating ones circumstances
in the context of their present form. It is even worse to consider the future
as a set of discrete elements. The present is a contribution of both history
and destiny.
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
A life well lived has a price and is work much more than gold; it is told for eternity.
A life well lived has a price and is work much more than gold; it is told for eternity.
Allan Bukusi
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Transforming Africa: Ethics or Ethnicity?
Some time ago we had the privilege
of working with a multiracial group from a international institution on a team
building program. Our brief was to break down racial barriers and open up communication
between the nationalities and ethnic groups and help integrate interdepartmental
working relations. In the beginning the group
response to our activities was mechanical, lukewarm and far from enthusiastic.
We then divided the group into racially balanced teams. The object was to
eliminate ethnic tensions and make teams focus on working together to achieve specific
objectives. Nevertheless there was still some ethnic huddling even among
members of the same team. Ethnic groups command loyalty that judge others as below,
above or apart in varying degrees of dignity or disdain.
However, as the games progressed
and competition became more intense, with some teams losing and others winning games
consistently we noticed that both winning and losing teams began to trade accusations
of ethics or the “lacking ethics”. As
the competition turned passionate, each team focused on how to win, “with or
without ethics” especially if they believed the other teams was not going to play
fair. This created strong bonds between team members to the extent that some
teams mustered the audacity to accuse referees of wrong and unjust rulings. The
question of ethnicity was forgotten or at least suspended for the rest of the day.
All that mattered was ethics! This prompted me to ponder the question of ethics
a little deeper. A code of ethics does
not depend on ethnicity. Creating a code is a matter of honor, identity and
pride that exceeds ethnicity. But a code or a constitution is not created at
the stroke of a pen. It is born out of struggle, strife, failure and success.
Many of Africa’s challenges,
conflict and struggles are thought to be rooted in its ethnicity. Perhaps not.
Ethnicity is a global phenomenon and there are high ethnographic concentrations
in cosmopolitan locations all around the world that do not dissolve into
conflict. Whereas ethnicity may be a clue to the complexity of war and conflict,
we are more inclined to believe that ethics is at the root of the ethos and
ethers surrounding the challenge of transforming Africa. Nevertheless, we need a
communal understanding of the word “ethics” to appreciate and unpack the
significance of this finding.
Ethics has been defined as a
moral code. But ethics is not as much a code
as it is codifying ethics. While ethics refers to a set of rules,
regulations, principles and practices to live by, it is more about a people’s
response to a set of rules, regulations, principles and practices they are made
to live by. If they have not participated in evolving, developing, making and
establishing those rules, regulations, principles and practices, their response
will be askew if not outright rebellious to the demands of those rules,
regulations, principles and practices. Asking one ethnic group to abide by a
code prescribed by another group is to invite conflict. On the other hand, agreeing
or signing consent to a code of conduct does not mean compliance to the ethics
required by the code.
Ethics is about the virtues,
values, self-perception and vision of a people. Ethics is the lens through
which people define, re-create and interpret the world. Ethics is the
individual and collective response of a people to rules, regulations, principles
and practices, but also a people’s response to circumstances, situations and
opportunity. Ethics is the sum of the values of a people’s collective learning,
culture, art, science, history and believed destiny. Ethics is the composite
state of mind of a people governing their interaction with each other and outsiders
in family, business, sports and politics. It is the sum of the learning and
advancement of a society. It is evident in a people’s accumulated writing, history,
eating, language, behavior, lifestyle, habitat and collective wisdom where the
house of lords, the jury and elders of the community hold sway. Ethics is a code
of honor observed by the honorable in society.
Though ethics is often described
as moral sense or social norms its foundations are justice and right. However, ethics are developed over time
out of struggle and competition to find out what works and what is
unprofitable. This corporate learning is stored away in the group conscience as
ethics. If a society has no science, art or civil behavior it stagnates in its
learning and does not encourage the development of its institutions. Its
advance in ethics is limited. A society is advanced when all its individuals
and institutions work for the good and welfare of individuals, society and the state.
While other nations have long recorded history
that has helped them journey through centuries of ethical development, Africa’s
history seems scattered, spattered and dispersed. Its distant history is a record
of the destruction of whole civilizations. It needs to be shored up and codified into a
respectable whole. Much of Africa’s history (read ethical development) is fragmented,
not written, lost unknown and untaught. The plunder, pillage and persecution of
Africa’s peoples in the recent past has not helped the development of ethics
across the continent.
For a society to advance it must raise
its own teachers, writers and chroniclers. It must raise philosophers who
format the thinking of a society and advance the state of learning, culture and
statecraft. The state must sponsor social institutions that advance ethics. This
is the only way to raise a nation from its past. This is where Africa must invest.
A society that does not advance its own history is plagued to return to it, remain
traditional and intransigent or imitate another and thus fall short on many of
the counts of ethical development and practice. The advance must be home-grown
in order to speak the people’s language. An advanced society has breadth and
depth of language, literature and original thought to strengthen the society to
address the challenges within and perils outside its existence. The advancement
of a society is in the advance of its justice, righteousness and welfare of its
people. In a world where tribal wars are no longer justifiable and ethnicity is
no longer a principle of conflict, should we not invest and pay more attention
to the development of ethics rather than the inordinate focus on ethnicity?
Allan Bukusi
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Attitude is the strongest cologne you can wear!
Attitude is the strongest cologne you can wear.
Allan Bukusi
Allan Bukusi
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Why Next Generation Leaders?
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The world has changed
dramatically over the last century. Changes in agriculture, industry, medicine
and education have made the world more productive, healthier and habitable in
many ways. But the world has also changed fundamentally over the last decade.
Education has revised the way children are education while information
technology has changed the way we define our world. Even war has been redefined
from fighting “objects” and people to fighting concepts such as terrorism and
“human rights” and “literacy”. The corporate world has challenged the image of
the super manager to run organizations and now demands process leaders to
ensure corporate success. No single manager knows enough to run the corporation
by him or herself. CEOs today must rely on leaders to run the business of the
The Next Generation CorporateLeaders face a different set of dynamics that their predecessors. In the past
there was relative stability in professions, markets and industry structures.
In the early part of last century it was possible to plan for 50 years of
production for a stable market based on a single invention such as the motor
car. Today strategic plans are outdated by a single innovation in a matter of
months – and there are hundreds of innovations every day. In the old days
markets were closed. Today anybody can do business anywhere. In the old days
careers were guaranteed by education, today if you do not go for training you
are outdated as soon as you graduate from college. Next generation corporate
leaders must handle dynamics, diversity and turn dreams into reality.
Dynamics is not the same as
change or change management. Corporations today house dynamic order. People
come and go, technology is adopted and revised, products and processes are in a
constant state of modification in a bid to keep up with external competition
and innovation against the erratic demand of customers. Gone are the days when
careers were permanent and pensionable and staff were reliable and guaranteed
to stay for 20 years. The nature of the corporate process is “here today gone
tomorrow”. The leader must be comfortable with these dynamics.
The very definition and
advantages of a stable corporate culture demand a significant degree of uniformity.
However, the new world does not guarantee uniformity. Globalization goes
against the very core of uniformity. Organizations struggle with generational
ethics where old and young work in the same environment. Analog and digital
exist side by side. Diversity is more than race or color. Diversity is about
integrated systems, accommodating religions beliefs, worldviews and educational
backgrounds. It is about mainstreaming gender issues, but also providing
opportunity for minorities to develop themselves. The demand is for corporate
leaders to understand how to interpret a single product effectively in four
different countries with multiple cultures and several different time zones.
The next generation leaders will not deal with consistency indeed they must
master inconsistency!
The only way that the next
generation can advance the cause of their organizations is if they have vision.
Vision is the capacity to not only see the future but bring it about today. In
the past it was enough to see the future, today leaders are expected to bring
the future to the people. Such is the challenge of NEXT GENERATION CORPORATELEADERS – Today!
Click to view program content and coverage
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Now I understand Leverage
Yesterday I learned the principle
of leverage. I’d like to think I knew the concept, but I did not understand it
because I have not used it much. The principle is very simple. We were taught
it many years ago in primary school. But the idea that you could use it to get
the most out of life was not in the curriculum. The syllabus said it would help
you open a bottle or enjoy a seesaw.
The principle as I said is very simple.
Do the least to get the most or use what you have to your greatest advantage.
What will give you your greatest return and what action will advance you the
furthest. Sometimes we are taught to prioritize, but that is not quite the same
thing. Priorities are elementary compared to leverage! Priorities means you put
all your energies on the most important things, leverage says to use the least
energy to get the most important things so that you can do more things.
By concentrating on some specific
and often simple initiatives leverage says your achievements will multiply
themselves. With a little focus and determination you can improve yourself from
a small position to one of greatness. That is easier said than done. What that
little focus and determination requires is a great deal of patience, diligence,
courage, unwavering will and dogged resolve to succeed – that is part of leverage.
Most of us know it but are not willing to follow through with it. Working hard
is a good discipline, but working hard and honest labor without leverage is very
noble, but wearisome and can be exasperating because everything depends on your
effort. Leverage on the other hand shares and spreads the risk along the lever and
takes advantage of available synergy to benefit everyone amplify, magnify and
multiply returns everyone can enjoy. Leverage takes work, but leverage is much
more important than hard work!
Allan Bukusi
Friday, July 17, 2015
Do you have a passion statement?
You have heard and are familiar
with vision and mission statements. These are good. Visions excite you and
missions give you something you can commit to, but none of these things really
drives you. A passion statement is the sum of your dreams and desires that
inspires you and energizes you to pursue a vision and commit to your mission.
In this sense a passion statement of what you are willing to commit yourself to
bring about is perhaps the most compelling statement of achievement. It may be “I
want to improve myself” or as complex as “ I would like to see this place
turned green”. In both statements any incremental progress towards these
desires inspires a new surge of energy. In this regard, your passion statement
makes you courageous, resurgent and energetic when you make progress, but also bold
and positive when you face challenges. Make
such a passion statement as to empower any move you make towards your goals as
well as harness and inspire new vigor, energy and drive to achieve it.
When working with directors and boards
during strategy planning sessions, before into developing or interrogating Vision,
Mission and Values statements I take some time to assess the passion in the
room. How much emotional energy have the directors committed to the
organization success? How much energy are the directors willing to invest in
the business? This may sound simplistic, but when you compare the summary statement
of the hopes, dreams and desires of everyone in the room and compare it with
the vision, mission and values statements it will give you a very good idea if
you have the right people in the room, what direction the business is receiving
and/or if the organization is on the right track. Simply put the directors will
naturally place their energies where their passion is and if that passion is
not aligned or does not drive the vision and mission the business, serious
questions need to be answered.
A passion statement drives vision
and provides the get-up-and-go of the mission. The heart desire for a free
South Africa of Nelson Mandela and millions of Africans drove the vision of
freedom. The passion of entrepreneurs is what drives a business, vision alone
is not enough. Would be successful organizations flounder the CEO has a clear
vision but no passion to get the work done. Indeed finding a passionate (rather
than visionary) successor after the founding CEO is the greatest challenge of
successful enterprises. You don’t just need people who can do; you need people
who believe in what you do! A passion statement is as powerful in personal life
as it is to a corporation. A life with no passion is merely a passage of time.
A life with passion does not have to live a long time.
Allan Bukusi
Monday, July 13, 2015
Are you missiing out on life?
If you can’t make your bed and wash dishes, you are missing
out on life because life is about getting up and preparing the next meal.
Allan Bukusi
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Friday, July 10, 2015
A mind shifted by degree...
There is no telling what a mind
shifted by degree can achieve or where it will end up ten miles from here. Too
often we make judgment based on the facts of what we see now rather than what
will be. Don’t be fooled by the moment of transition it is only a sign. No sign
giving direction is ever found at the destination. Minor shifts in perspective
have established nations, scaled mountains and spawned inventions all because one
eye saw things differently. A shift in focus and commitment to purpose changes
the final result. A change of heart will change your situation. One new idea
changes the outcome and one bold move will change your destiny.
Allan Bukusi
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
When a man must have faith!
There comes a time when a man must
have faith; when there is nothing else to hold on to, when the tears are dry and
all opportunity past, when regret no longer pains and joy leaves a dull ache, when
the only thing you can give up is hope, when you have tried your best and your
best is not enough, when you wish that there would be no tomorrow - but tomorrow
does come. When what you used to do with joy is now a burden to imagine, when there
is nothing left within you to go on and the body died long before you woke up,
when things are bad and then get worse, when feelings are numb and words of
comfort slide off your heart like water off a rock. When the spirit departs and
all you have left is fate. When the last friend departs like the last bus that
would take you home. When you have no more reason to believe that anything is
worth the effort, then look up and read the sign that says, “faith” and wait.
Allan Bukusi
What would you do?
What would you do if you found
out that your boss had secretly advertised your job and received 6000
applicants? What would you do differently?
I have been working with
employees and employers for the past 20 years and I can tell you that I have
come across more than a few people who have seen their jobs advertised in the
newspapers under some coded classified Ads or cleverly crafted profiles. It is like coming face to face with reality,
the future and death. I have seen GMs jobs advertised while they are still in
office and I know that some people here might have benefitted from a similar
process. - For the boss it is a practical thing to do whenever you suspect that
you are not getting all you can possibly get from an employee
The reality is that we don’t give
the matter of losing a job much thought until we discover the bosses presumably
illicit move to lose confidence in us.
A number of years ago I discovered my boss had lost confidence in me and it
drove me to look for another job. I was facilitating a two day training workshop
at an Up-market hotel. Unfortunately, the VCR we were using got lost. I
reported the matter and the firm immediately hired another one to enable me complete
the training. However, a few days after the training I was called in to the
hotel and sat opposite the hotel guard and my boss who proceeded to question me
on what happened to the VCR. The discussion was such as to suggest that I had
stolen the VCR. I served notice and quit 3 months later. I was incensed that my
boss could even think that was possible. Good riddance would you say? Think for
a moment.
The damning revelation of the
question we are investigating today is that the heart question is not the boss
but really the declaration that you are irrelevant, dispensable, no longer
useful and that you have been living a lie in the self belief that you are the
epitome of your existence and that you have a right to the position you hold as
an employee, husband, wife, businessman or CEO. The damning revelation that the
boss can do without you would suggest that you occupy the position as a mere privilege!
6,000 OPTIONS!
The story I am telling is not far
fetched. Employees at the port of Mombasa went on strike last week. Their jobs
were advertised by their employer. 6,000 applicants turned up! That should send
a powerful message to those employees. The question is did they get the
message? I doubt it. On my training programs I routinely remind employees at
all levels that if, for some reason they had to re-apply for their jobs today,
none of them would get it. With some reflection, most employees realize that this
is true. However, they all continue to live as if it wasn’t. I make it a point
to remind employees that employment is a privilege, to be a husband, a wife, to
have a job is a privilege. Indeed to be alive is a privilege.
The fact the your boss can call
on 6000 options for your position is a little demeaning and is sure to puncture
the largest ego. To be only one in a possible six thousand makes you feel
rather small if not irrelevant. Most of us would have to fight to believe that we
have a right to all we have worked so hard to achieve.
What would you do if you
discovered that there are 6,000 other people who can match your opinion, your
ideas and indeed your performance? What would you do if you found that 6,000
people would happily attend your funeral to get a free meal? What if you
appreciated that your departure would directly benefit 6,000 people? What would
you do if you knew that 6,000 people are waiting in the wings to take
everything you think is valuable away from you. What would you do different if
you find out that what you think about anything really does not matter to 6,000
people. What would you do if you understood that 6000 people would gladly take away
what you take for granted.
In these circumstances, the focus
becomes the boss. I quit the job because I could (that may not be a solution),
but what if your boss is your wife or God? What if your wife or husband
secretly advertised your position and received 6,000 applications. If you found
out you would begin to ask very different questions; What have I done to
deserve this, why are they doing this to me, how did this come about? That
question would trigger some real soul searching. The more important focus is
not the boss but “me”! “I thought I was doing okay. I thought I am the best.
How did this happen to me? Did I miss something”. That question immediately
throws you out of your comfort zone and far away from your umbrella of self
deception. You begin to think “what am I doing” and “what should I be doing?
Maybe I should be doing something else?” When you discover that you are not the
man you thought you were to your boss, husband or God – it is not comforting.
You really thought you were the best. You beat the greatest odds to be where
you are now. You beat 40 million sperms to get into this world and that makes you
indeed the best heaven could offer. However, 6,000 applicants for your job should
tell you that the competition is regrouping. “
Several years ago I was doing
roaring business running numerous retrenchment, retirement and similar programs
for multinationals, government and private organizations. The one thing that
was common to all those programs was the shock employees expressed at being
sent home “early” (in their opinion) and deep, expressed regret of wasted
opportunity. I try not to conduct these “late-date” programs any more and
encourage employers to conduct retirement training as part of new employee
induction. You get better mileage out of employees that way. A job is pointless
if you leave it with regret just as living is pointless if you cannot leave a
As an employer I can tell you
6,000 option is good mathematics and exceptional economics. There are hundreds
of employees, including CEOs and business owners who have overstayed their
welcome in their positions. What these self satisfied people don’t usually
appreciate is that there are 6,000 perhaps cheaper options to their
inefficiency and ineffectiveness.
The issue is not the boss, the
advert the 6,000 competitors nor that heaven is investigating its options. The
issue is, “what should you be doing?”. Most people never get to know that their
job has been advertised, but if you ever find out I’d like to suggest the
1. Live
with greater purpose than your ego permits.
2. Do
your job so well that you will lay a firm foundation for those who come after
3. Find
something else to do. Learn a new skill – learn to play a violin!
4. Stay
relevant -Keep learning in your organization. Find out who the boss is.
5. Take
whatever comes to you with grace as a divine privilege and go through with it.
6. Chose
your successor. Rebrand and Reinvent yourself… move out!
7. Humble
yourself and serve others more. Be less selfish. Someone out there who is
better than you.
8. Set
fire to your comfort zones. Enjoy the privileges you have, but hold them
lightly (not tightly).
9. Plan
your family holidays, retirement, your trip to the moon and for when you are
not there!
10. If
all else fails - Advertise your own job!
Allan Bukusi
The Purpose of Knowledge
The purpose of knowledge is
wisdom. To have knowledge without understanding is to misuse knowledge and to
have knowledge without wisdom is to abuse it. There is much knowledge we have
about many things that we do not understand and therefore lack the wisdom to
put it to proper use.
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Three is a Gift!
There are three kinds of people.
Those that work with their heads, those that use their hands and those that
work with their hearts. To find a person with one is possible, to find one with
two is a struggle. To find three is a great blessing. A person with three is a
Allan Bukusi
The Law & The Heart
The law does not make it right. It is my heart that makes me
do it. Therefore that which governs my heart is the law.
Allan Bukusi
Friday, June 12, 2015
A vision without interpretation is nothing but a dream...
A Vision without interpretation is nothing but a dream. A vision with an interpretation is a road map. A vision whose time has come is destiny.
Allan Bukusi
Allan Bukusi
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
How To Prosper in Employment in 90-Minutes!
We had a great time empowering staff and parents at Marion Schools last weekend with the Seven Principles of Wealth Creation in Employment. - It does not matter how much money you earn. What matters is what you do with it.
Over the
past decade, Allan has made it a
point to share the Seven Principles of
Wealth Creation in employment with as many employees as will listen. His
empowering 90-MINUTE PRESENTATION inspires employees to be
faithful workers and enables them to make wealth creating decisions using their
hard earned income to prosper in employment. The book; How to prosper in employment, has been reprinted seven times in the
last ten years with over 10,000 copies in circulation in two languages. Email to
schedule this powerful presentation for your staff enrichment, professional
forum, conference or employee personal development training program.
Related articles
Thursday, June 4, 2015
The Vision 2030 Citizen Profile
The Vision 2030 Citizen Profile is a five year project run by the Corporate Business Leadership Centre at PAC University in collaboration with the National Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat to develop and disseminate the Ideal Citizen Profile to empower citizens in the social, public and private sectors to engage and participate in the transformation of Kenya.
The Ideal Citizen embodies, enables, espouses and expresses the virtues, values of the national vision. The Ideal Citizen has the will, knowledge, ability and capacity to inherit, realize and maximize the promises and benefits of Vision 2030.
The Corporate Business Leadership Center runs programs to educate, equip and empower citizens on their role and responsibilities to engage in the process of transforming Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030. This flagship project is housed under the social pillar of the National Vision 2030 Superstructure with the following objectives; To
- Sensitize the public on the importance of the national vision and their role in the transformation of the nation.
- Equip the social, public and private sectors with knowledge and skills to participate in the creation of the national vison.
- Influence the development of organization and institutional policy framework to support the success of the national vision.
Allan Bukusi
Monday, May 4, 2015
To change a person & unite a people...
To change a person effectively and permanently is for them
to own and pursue a vision. The most efficient way to unite a people is to empower
them to achieve a goal.
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
When the Leader is not in control
When the weight of a nation rests
on a single soul crushed in the crucible of decision making. And the burden is
so great that even the courageous are afraid, it is not enough to say that the
leader is good or bad. But the wise will pray that the lot will fall in the
right places because they know that even the leader is not in control.
Allan Bukusi
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Authority & Power
Authority and power are inseparable. I find that those who
have power command authority and those who have authority mobilize power.
Allan Bukusi
Thursday, April 16, 2015
The Best Teams
The best teams are identified in adversity. This is when
even very good teams fall apart. Adversity is a team test, the very object of
teamwork. Great teams close ranks in adversity - others just collapse.
Allan Bukusi
Step Aside
There is a time when those who know what needs to be done must step aside and let those who know how to do it get the job done.
Allan Bukusi
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Garissa is calling
What do Sharpsville, Selma Alabama,
Auschwitz, Jallianwala Bagh and now Garissa have in common? Apart from being
places where blameless people have been killed discriminately, these places have
raised the moral conscience of nations to pay attention to the highly valued prize
of unity, justice and freedom.
These landmarks remind us that a
people cannot be intimidated by injustice or an unjust cause. Indeed, the indomitable
resolve of the people is ignited by injustice. These places reminded citizens
that no wrong can become right because of might. These places elevate the
spirits of ordinary men and women to those of saints who by their deaths water
the field of justice so that the living can raise crops of peace.
These places remind us that what
makes heroes is not the color of their blood, the nature of their creed, age or
gender, but the fact that they will not bow to intimidation of an unjust cause.
These places remind us that violence is not a virtue; neither does violence make
any among us virtuous. While love calls for tolerance, hate cannot drive a
peaceful agenda. Nevertheless, violence reveals the villain against the values of
unity, justice and peace. The villain fears unity, justice and peace
However, these places offer us opportunity
to water the fields of justice and raise crops of peace. They offer us an opportunity
to safeguard our unity and protect our freedom. This is not an option. To
succumb to the fear of a few who must use force to command a following is not valor.
No force can prevail against the will of a people to enjoy God given freedom.
Not even Robben Island. This is not the burden of a few “unlucky” families. It
is our sacred duty to guard against robbers of unity, to do justice, to protect
every man’s freedom and to raise crops of peace wherever we are.
Allan Bukusi
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Entrepreneurs are people who do things nobody else is willing to do in order to have the things everyone else wants.
Entrepreneurs are people who do things nobody else is
willing to do in order to have the things everyone else wants.
Allan Bukusi
Some people hear, others get to know things, a small number
understand but only a few get to put on
what they learned.
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
The Struggle for Capital
To accumulate capital is no small feat. But to accumulate
capital is to develop the ability to develop and the capacity to grow and to
direct growth. There is much talk about good and evil when it comes to capital,
but the good and the evil describes more of the people than the money. Capitalists
are able to match desire with action and wealth enables people to be creative
and take risks. To be a capitalist is to be able to accumulate, manipulate and handle
resources profitably. This is no mean skill but it is a skill all of us must
master to excel. While those who don’t have capital struggle, they only
struggle until they do. Those who understand capital have a wisdom those who
struggle against it will never know.
Allan Bukusi
Goodbye Nana
Life is a very short season. It is the very reason that we can’t
make sense of it. It is stolen from us just when we have it. In absolutely no time,
all we are left with is memories. Memories to live and memories to give. All of
us are just memories. But a life to live and love to give is more than most
will ever leave. Goodbye Nana. You are gone and now we grieve, you touched a
heart and a soul. Perhaps that is all we live to give – a life that someone
else might live.
Allan Bukusi
Saturday, April 4, 2015
There can be no me without you.
There can be no me without you. And there can be no you
without me. Methinks that if we understood this we would all be better people –
starting with me.
Allan Bukusi
If you do not focus on your goals, they will become your obstacles.
If you do not focus on your goals, they become your
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Most people make plans then look for opportunities
Most people make plans then look for opportunities. Entrepreneurs
look for opportunity then make plans.
Allan Bukusi
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Another word for freewill is disobedience
Another word for freewill is disobedience. While interviewing a prospective employee, I noticed that the candidate kept refereeing to his former employer as "bad", "poor" and "undemocratic". His previous employer did not give him the chance to do what he wanted. When I asked the candidate what he wanted to do, I immediately knew he would not fit in any organization. He could not take orders from anybody. He wanted to do his "own" thing. In an organization this would be disobedience.
Allan Bukusi
Saturday, March 21, 2015
A Brave & Bold New Africa
I had the privilege of interacting
with and learning from Old Africa and now I get to be part of a great future. There
were many victories and challenges in Old Africa. Old Africa was raw, green and
just independent. In Old Africa things changed from white to black, but that
was not enough. Old Africa lacked education. People say it was corruption. I grew up in my Africa. My Africa faced “catch
up” challenges. By the time I was an adult my Africa was labeled “third world”.
We were labeled the most backward a title not much different from colonialism
or slavery. I have always hated this label, but relative to the rest of the
technology world – what can I say?
However, I have been privileged
to see a brave new Africa. A proud Africa. An educated Africa, a technological
Africa and a bold new Africa. Africa has never left my heart. I pray that the
new generation would realize that we were not born in Africa, we were called to
Africa. This gives me hope as I look ahead and see Africa as it should be ... I
am proud of this new generation. Africa is one nation, one people with one
destiny in one world. “ Africa is not a
geographic location. Africa is home. Africa lives in the hearts, history and
hope of her people.”
God Bless you
Allan Bukusi
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