Allan's corporate training, leadership research and empowering books on personal development impact thousands of lives across Africa.

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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Confidence is one thing.

Confidence is one thing. Over-confidence is foolishness.

Allan Bukusi

Beware of small visions

Beware of small visions. Though they look attractive, they destroy many lives. The vision to eat more lunch, earn more money or drive a better car than John keeps millions locked in a cycle of poverty and non-achievement. If small visions are all you live for then I am afraid you will live to regret your success.

Allan Bukusi

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You don’t have to be creative to improve, but...

You don't have to be creative to improve, but to improve you must be creative.

Allan Bukusi


Writing is like being a lawyer.

Writing is like being a lawyer. It depends on which case you choose to argue.

Allan Bukusi

The hardest job of all

O God, have mercy on me. You have given me the hardest job of all - to find out who I am.

Allan Bukusi

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

How to work with self-centered people.

Among the many challenges entrepreneurs face is having to work with incredibly self-centered people. All they ask is, "what's in it for me?". The short-term answer is to pay them. The short-term solution is to part with them.

Allan Bukusi