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  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Friday, May 31, 2013


The Three Signs of Transformation
It is a season of Jubilee; internationally, nationally and for me personally. God is allowing us to celebrate a season of jubilee. Nevertheless, what is so special about a jubilee? Leviticus explains the events of a jubilee as release, restoration and renewal. These events can be summed up as TRANSFORMATION. However, my concern is that you enjoy the benefits of the season and not just watch it go by.  I would like you to consider, how you can lead transformation where you are. Unless you and I engage in renewal and transformation around the season shall pass and who knows what the next season will be. Most people (those who live to beyond 50) only enjoy ONE Jubilee.  It is your and my duty to ensure that people take full advantage of the year of Gods favor upon our land.   There are three SIGNS of transformation you need to enjoy in this limited season.
First, we must be transformed. Unless we change, we will miss the blessings and benefit of this season. Something transformational has to happen to us like attending the next SALT class or being baptized. We all know things have to change, but are afraid to change like Nicodemus because of who we are, what we know and what we have achieved.
Nicodemus had reached the top of his career and was very successful. Yet he could see that a new season was sweeping the land. It was setting captives free, it was a season of release and Jubilee and he wanted to be part of it. He could see that the sick were being healed, miracles were happening and nobody could deny it. It was obvious. So, he went to see Jesus, at night.
In that brief chat, Jesus tells Nicodemus "You must be born again" THREE times! It is as simple and as complete as that. Do you want to enjoy the fruits of transformation then you must be transformed – you must be born again! The season of transformation is declared for all men, but it will pass you by unless you are transformed. Nicodemus needed renewal, you need renewal. Paul tells us we all need renewing of the mind. If we are not transformed, we will continue with our old success.
My great concern is that many people will not create wealth in this season and yet God has declared the release of wealth. Jacob never realized that God wanted him to get rich until he came to his senses after 14 years of marriage. I know married life has its challenges, but did you know that wealth can transform your life? And that wealth is necessary to establish a nation? Jacobs's story is found in Gen 29&30.
Jacob went to work for Laban and took wives as payment. Before you call him foolish, think of your own situation. Is your job making you wealthy or are you simply enjoying the benefits? When Jacob came to his senses, he realized that he was making wealth for Laban. This angered him, but wait a minute, where had his focus been for 14 years. His focus had been on Rachel's passing beauty. When he eventually turned back to God, God opened his eyes to the fact that God had provided an opportunity for him to create his own wealth. What opportunity has God provided for you to create wealth? Are you creating personal wealth?
Jesus only did what his father was doing (miracles). He was imitating his father. His father was working through him. He used his gifts and talents to serve Gods interests - WHERE HE WAS. That was it!. In other words, I am not asking you to do anything extra ordinary, I am asking you to let God work through you and everything you touch will be transformed.
What am I saying here. Jesus seems to be saying DO WHAT YOU WERE SENT TO DO! If it is teaching teach, if it is doctoring, doctor, if it is pastoring pastor. That is enough to bring transformation where you are. The miracle is that God uses your gifts and skills to transform the WORLD. The MIRACLE is that GOD actually wants to use you to heal the sick and raise the dead! The miracle is not that people are healed or that the dead are raised, that can actually happen without you. The miracle is that God choses to work through you! You are the Miracle of TRANSFORMATION. You are the AGENCY GOD IS USING to change the world around you. All you have to do is submit to HIM. If you submit to Him, HE WILL not only TRANSFORM YOU, but also TRANSFORM THE WORLD around you. Pray this prayer to begin your journey.
LORD, Thank you for this season of Jubilee. Please do not let me miss the blessing of this season. Transform me into the likeness of your son. Release me from the bonds of my past and restore the wealth that I have lost. Forgive me for depending on material things and not on you. Transform me by the renewing of my mind that I may know what you want me to do. Give me the humility to use the gifts you have given me to serve your people. Please come and work your miracles through me. In Jesus name, Amen.
God Bless you
Allan Bukusi

Friday, May 24, 2013

What is Corporate Transformation?

What is corporate transformation?

Every business starts with great customer focus. With time attention shifts to the quality of products and services, then to staff performance in the vain hope that staff keep the business profitable. Finally, the focus turns to shareholders. At which point the business faces imminent failure as customers lose interest in the business and the business loses interest in the customer.

This gradual shift in focus is so subtle that it escapes the attention of the trained business eye and can deceive the most astute entrepreneur. Indeed, there are many who believe that the only reason a business exists is to make a profit to shareholders. However, the purpose of every corporate organization is to serve its customer. The moment an organization fails to meet its customer needs, it ceases to exist.

This “natural shift” or loss of focus on the customer hides a process of internal organization decay. The original design of a successful business serves a specific customer in an existing market. But with the passage of time that original customer ages, changes and moves on. That original customer may, in fact, completely disappear and leave a no longer successful business serving a non-existent market.

The organization that was formed to serve the VW Beetle customers of 50 years ago cannot serve todays customer who no longer wants the VW Beetle. Neither can the organization of 50 years ago supply today’s customer with a VW Touareg. To serve todays customer the VW company must undergo a process of fundamental change and create a new organization to remain in business.

However, a corporate business does not have to wait 50 years to change their organization structure, production systems and service processes to secure their survival. Refocusing a business should be a very deliberate, conscious and continuous process. Businesses that keep pace with the aging, changing and transforming customer remain relevant, vibrant and profitable in the long term. A business may change slowly or may be forced to change quickly, but all businesses change.
So, what then is corporate transformation? - A fundamental organization process of renewal that facilitates the long-term survival, sustainability and success of a business by focusing on fulfilling the needs of the evolving customer.

Allan Bukusi – Author, How to lead corporate transformation

The 5 Pillars of Corporate Transformation

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If you want to be a leader...

If you want to be a leader, consider all the people you must offend then decide whether it is worth it.

Allan Bukusi

Monday, May 13, 2013

Present yourself well.

Present yourself well. Give yourself a chance to succeed in life. How can you expect anyone else to help you if you are your own worst enemy?

Allan Bukusi

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Business and the businessperson are separate. Enterprise and the entrepreneur are one.

Business and the businessperson are separate. Enterprise and the entrepreneur are one.

Allan Bukusi

Enterprise is not business knowledge

Enterprise is not business knowledge, understanding or skill. That can be learned. Enterprise is the will and willingness to enter a personal race and do what it takes to earn the prize.  

Allan Bukusi

Education is a national resource.

Education is a national resource.

Allan Bukusi

What Transformational Leaders do

Transformational leaders pioneer, create and renew institutions, and leave them for others to manage.


Allan Bukusi