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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Give your boss what she wants

Give your boss what she wants.
Not knowing what your boss wants from you is very frustrating. Most people believe that the boss just wants their skills. While this is partly true, the boss really wants five specific things from you. You need to know what they are, especially if you want to keep your job. The best way to understand what your boss really wants is to think like her. If you do, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you can supply everything she really needs.
The first thing your boss wants is time - your time. The boss expects you to use your time to turn out value. If you hired someone to work for you, the first thing you would check out is how he or she uses their time. It is the easiest way to find out if you are getting value for money. So be punctual, productive and present when you need to be, and you will impress your boss and meet a craving need.
You would not have been hired if the boss did not think you could do the job. Your boss checked out your CV for signs that you have the talent to do the work she wants done. It is your job to show that you have that talent. Talent is the ability to do a job very well. Every boss desperately needs talent to run the department. Talent is so rare that the boss will hang on to every person they can find who has it. Your talent does not just make the boss feel good; it makes her look like she is talented. Who wouldn't want that?
In the beginning, your boss knows that you do not know everything about the job. Your boss loves to show teachable people how to work well. Surprisingly, if you are a great learner, she will sometimes do the job for you. By giving her the opportunity to teach you, you get to know the job and win her respect at the same time. Many people do not get along well with the boss because they are poor learners. If you are teachable, it helps the boss do her job better. Moreover, because you get to learn so much, your boss will begin to think that you should be promoted.
Some people are given more work than others. Some people do more work than others. Some sales people get more sales. Some staff get more reports done. Some people turnover more work than others. People who do more than others are first in line for reward, a raise or bonus pay. Its natural, any employer will pay more for more work done. More work helps your boss look good and your employer get rich. You have to do more to get noticed. Your high work turnover makes the boss look like she is doing her job. Only one standard is used to pay people more money anywhere in the world; the more work you do, the more money you can ask for.
The boss gives you work to do and trusts you to do it well. She trusts you with staff, materials and tools to get the work done. The boss hopes you will not misuse, steal or lose what she gives you to work with. She prays that you will not waste resources. This may come as a surprise to you, but your boss actually wants to trust you. Do not give her a reason to believe she cannot trust you. It is bad for her business and bad for your career.
Every boss loves a bonus. Every boss wants staff with great ATTITUDE. She would rather hire a person with average skills and great attitude, than a person with great skills and a poor attitude. The boss knows that skills can be learned. She also knows that attitude is a choice; you either have it or you don't. If you honestly cannot give the boss what she wants, I suggest you quit.
Allan Bukusi, May - 10 - 2011

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