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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Earth Moving Leadership


Earth Moving Leadership personality Types


All these types of leader styles achieve transformation. What type of earthmoving leaders are you?


Steam roller

These are strong personality types. Perhaps choleric extroverts who will take nothing lying down. Their opinion must be heard respected and followed. They will flatten any form of resistance to oblivion. In their view, it is all a matter of opinion.


Wheeled loader

The wheeled loader has a plan from the outset. They will move soil like the bulldozer but will make an effort to place it where it is useful. The loader will uproot and transfer in an effort to transform the landscape and redesign the landscape. Loaders are generally introverted.


Bull dozer

When things need to be moved out of the way you call in the bulldozers. These extrovert types believe in immediate change. Long range planning may escape their notice. They simply move things out of the way. It does not really matter how the landscape will be used after they have moved things about.



Smoothing types of personalities who go about their way with a measure of compromise. They can get their way by surely and gradually shaping the opinion of a group. For them progress is gradual it does not have to be immediate. These introverted types work quietly.


Incidentally, you need all four types of leaders when you have major constructions work going on. But if it a small job choose your leadership wisely.




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