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Friday, April 7, 2023

In the Matter of the People of Kenya and the Government!


In the Matter of the People of Kenya and the Government

In the matter of the people of Kenya and the government, there is no contest. The established definition of a democracy is, “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people” (Abraham Lincoln, 1863). The government is morally bound to EMBRACE the will of the people. There is no such thing as “my government”. It is the “PEOPLES government”. At best, a leader can only claim,” my administration”. Secondly, there is neither a majority nor minority, it is the AGENDA of the people that must prevail. Third, representatives who defraud the PEOPLE of their VOICE by abandoning the people that elected them, from whatever party and for whatever reason, are in breach of INTEGRITY (Ch.6 Laws of Kenya,2010) and are ethically obliged to apologize to the PUBLIC and stand down for falsifying the will of the PEOPLE. 

Allan Bukusi