Allan's corporate training, leadership research and empowering books on personal development impact thousands of lives across Africa.

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The Spirit of Wisdom

  The spirit of wisdom The reason why people in Africa associate wisdom with old people is not because they are old, but because wisdom itse...

Friday, February 10, 2017

Too many great men are dead!

Too many great men are dead!

Allan Bukusi is the author of the following ebooks
Thinking Leadership in Africa
How to Prosper in employment
Transforming Africa
The Master Trainer

Share the amateur leader’s prayer.

The Amateur Leaders Prayer

Lord I want to serve you.
Give me a heart to do your will.
To work hard and not complain;
to be brave when it doesn’t make sense to take another step.
To do the best I can with what I have.
And when my strength is gone and my zeal to wane;
please come and fan me back to flame.
Give me the courage to try and try and try again.
And when there is nothing left to gain, please ease the pain to give again.
And when the day comes, when I face shame, stand by me and defend your name.


Allan Bukusi is the author of the following ebooks
Thinking Leadership in Africa
How to Prosper in employment
Transforming Africa
The Master Trainer



The long and the short

While long terms thinkers may tend to gloss over details and look for possibility in opportunity, short term thinkers consider any opposition to be the enemy and may believe that victory in a battle is equivalent to winning the war.

Allan Bukusi is the author of the following ebooks
Thinking Leadership in Africa
How to Prosper in employment
Transforming Africa
The Master Trainer



Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Are you worth your pay?

Are you paid for what you are worth or are you paid for your work? Do not be fooled, we are all employees whether you are an entrepreneur, consultant or members of staff. Are you paid for your papers or are you paid for your position. Are you paid for your capability or are you paid for your competence. Depending on which side of the employment divide you stand the both perspectives can be easily justified. However, these perspectives are invariably tied to an attitude of gratitude, service and the interpretation of opportunity.

There is a story my daughter told me of a phenomenon she has observed which she finds quite disturbing. She has been working as a volunteer on a project and has come to realize that not everyone works for the same reason. There are those who come to work to get paid, others participate in covert and overt theft. Still others engage front row theater seats to be able to tell the story of how the work is not being done. She was, however, able to pick out one person who seemed to understand the purpose of work.

That one person had begun work as a lowly ranked member of staff. But she immediately recognized the path to her own dreams was being offered to her by her employer who provided work, resources, benefits and multiple opportunities for personal development. Recognizing that by working hard for her employers she could gain lifetime skills that may never come her way again, she put her heart into her work, offered to do more than she was paid to do and took every opportunity to train herself to drive a vehicle, operate computers and relate well with children. She knows that when she one day walks away from that institution she will have done her duty, advanced the organization and her career, but more important transformed herself by the opportunity. Are you paid for your worth or your work? The difference is in the heart.

Allan Bukusi is the author of the following ebooks